React at Scale with Nx

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The larger a codebase grows, the more difficult it becomes to maintain. All the informal processes of a small team need to be systematized and supported with tooling as the team grows. Come learn how Nx allows developers to focus their attention more on application code and less on tooling.

We’ll build up a monorepo from scratch, creating a client app and server app that share an API type library. We’ll learn how Nx uses executors and generators to make the developer experience more consistent across projects. We’ll then make our own executors and generators for processes that are unique to our organization. We’ll also explore the growing ecosystem of plugins that allow for the smooth integration of frameworks and libraries.

This workshop has been presented at React Summit Remote Edition 2021, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


The React Summit emphasizes a code of conduct that requires participants to be kind and considerate in their interactions. It encourages respectful and caring communication, recognizing the importance of treating everyone involved with kindness.

Participants are encouraged to use Discord for interactions and discussions instead of the Zoom chat. Discord offers features like threads, making it easier to manage and respond to conversations appropriately.

Zach is primarily responsible for managing interactions on Discord during the React Summit. He monitors the channel, interacts with participants, and brings up relevant questions for discussion during the event.

If you miss part of the React Summit, you can access a recording of the workshop that will be sent out later in the week, ensuring you can catch up on any missed content.

The workshop at the React Summit typically spans about six or seven hours when participants do it on their own. However, during the summit, it is condensed to about three hours to efficiently cover the content.

Isaac Mann
Isaac Mann
Zack DeRose
Zack DeRose
10 Jun, 2021
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available after the recording is published.