Aug 30 - Sep 3, 2021

React Finland 2021
Online event about #reactjs with a hint of #Finland in it.
This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this React Conference are available on the Brand Website.
Opensource Documentation—Tales from React and React Native
27 min
Opensource Documentation—Tales from React and React Native

Documentation is often your community's first point of contact with your project and their daily companion at work. So why is documentation the last thing that gets done, and how can we do it better? This talk shares how important documentation is for React and React Native and how you can invest in or contribute to making your favourite project's docs to build a thriving community
The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
36 min
The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline

For many years, we have migrated all our devtools to Node.js for the sake of simplicity: a common language (JS/TS), a large ecosystem (NPM), and a powerful engine. In the meantime, we moved a lot of computation tasks to the client-side thanks to PWA and JavaScript Hegemony.
So we made Webapps for years, developing with awesome reactive frameworks and bundling a lot of dependencies. We progressively moved from our simplicity to complex apps toolchains. We've become the new Java-like ecosystem. It sucks.
It's 2021, we've got a lot of new technologies to sustain our Users eXperience. It's time to have a break and rethink our tools rather than going faster and faster in the same direction. It's time to redesign the Developer eXperience. It's time for a bundle-free dev environment. It's time to embrace a new frontend building philosophy, still with our lovely JavaScript.
Introducing Snowpack, Vite, Astro, and other Bare Modules tools concepts!
So we made Webapps for years, developing with awesome reactive frameworks and bundling a lot of dependencies. We progressively moved from our simplicity to complex apps toolchains. We've become the new Java-like ecosystem. It sucks.
It's 2021, we've got a lot of new technologies to sustain our Users eXperience. It's time to have a break and rethink our tools rather than going faster and faster in the same direction. It's time to redesign the Developer eXperience. It's time for a bundle-free dev environment. It's time to embrace a new frontend building philosophy, still with our lovely JavaScript.
Introducing Snowpack, Vite, Astro, and other Bare Modules tools concepts!
Rethinking CSS - Introducing Stylex
25 min
Rethinking CSS - Introducing Stylex
Top Content
CSS + superpowers - bloat. How Stylex creates a zero-cost abstraction that gives CSS superpowers.
The Actor Model: a new mental model for React
37 min
The Actor Model: a new mental model for React
Top Content
System-level state management in modern React applications is challenging. Usually, as the applications grow, the complexity of interaction between different parts of the application compounds. The more you need those isolated parts to talk, the higher the level of complexity. Usually, the common pitfalls of these communications are underestimated especially with the recent trend of State management that tends to keep the application state outside of React and distributed. In this talk, We'll see how the Actor Model architecture can come to the rescue and what makes it stand out compared to the other approaches.
Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript with vanilla-extract
29 min
Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript with vanilla-extract

Can we have themeable CSS-in-TypeScript without the runtime cost? In this talk we'll have a quick look at how this can be achieved with vanilla-extract.
Using Apollo Federation in a microservice architecture in Kubernetes
31 min
Using Apollo Federation in a microservice architecture in Kubernetes

Being flexible with Apollo Federation and autoscaling with Kubernetes opens many opportunities to scale your app. Jan will show how these two services work hand in hand and why autoscaling matters.
Documenting components with stories
18 min
Documenting components with stories

Most documentation systems focus on text content of one form or another: WYSIWYG editors, markdown, code comments, and so forth. Storybook, the industry-standard component workshop, takes a very different approach, focusing instead on component examples, or stories.
In this demo, I will introduce an open format called Component Story Format (CSF).
I will show how CSF can be used used to create interactive docs in Storybook, including auto-generated DocsPage and freeform MDX documentation. Storybook Docs is a convenient way to build a living production design system.
I will then show how CSF stories can be used create novel forms of documentation, such as multiplayer collaborative docs, interactive design prototypes, and even behavioral documentation via tests.
Finally, I will present the current status and outline a roadmap of improvements that are on their way in the coming months.
In this demo, I will introduce an open format called Component Story Format (CSF).
I will show how CSF can be used used to create interactive docs in Storybook, including auto-generated DocsPage and freeform MDX documentation. Storybook Docs is a convenient way to build a living production design system.
I will then show how CSF stories can be used create novel forms of documentation, such as multiplayer collaborative docs, interactive design prototypes, and even behavioral documentation via tests.
Finally, I will present the current status and outline a roadmap of improvements that are on their way in the coming months.
Micro Frontends in React — a State of the Art Approach
30 min
Micro Frontends in React — a State of the Art Approach

David will explain the different possibilities to implement MicroFrontends in the past, the present, and the future. More importantly, he will leave you to know which of the available approaches is best suited for your specific task at hand.
Integration Testing for React Native Apps
25 min
Integration Testing for React Native Apps

My unpopular opinion is that testing is ... important. How do you test your React Native apps? In this presentation I will show how to run full integrations tests using Cypress while the RN app is running in the browser. This method can cover most of the application's code and be effective at finding logical errors and mistakes when calling the server APIs.
Screenshot testing with ViteShot
22 min
Screenshot testing with ViteShot

François will introduce ViteShot, a new open-source tool that can generate screenshots of HTML/CSS components within seconds, so you can be confident that your UI looks exactly the way it's supposed to.
The State of XState
18 min
The State of XState

Over the past few years, state machines, statecharts, and the actor model have proven to be viable concepts for building complex application logic in a clear, visual way with XState. In this talk, we'll take a peek into the future of XState, including new features in the next version, and new tools and services that will make it even easier to create and collaborate on state machines.
How to structure, style and document your components for maximum effectiveness
19 min
How to structure, style and document your components for maximum effectiveness

I'll present a practical approach to styling react components, a folder structure and documentation structure that's very easy to follow (for onboarding members) + other insights I got while using this approach.
Design Systems of a Down: Steal this Guide!
25 min
Design Systems of a Down: Steal this Guide!

Remember Atomic Design? It's been a while since we started talking about Design Systems. They're supposed to solve our interfaces inconsistencies issues, as a single source of truth. But do you know well how to build and use them, from a developer perspective?
Here's your ultimate guide to Design Systems, for Devs! From the fundamentals of Design Tokens definition, to how to build advanced versatile layouts. You'll learn all best practices, tips & tricks, components splicing strategies, from this comprehensive step--step handbook talk.
Never be lost again in front of a creating Design System from scratch!
Here's your ultimate guide to Design Systems, for Devs! From the fundamentals of Design Tokens definition, to how to build advanced versatile layouts. You'll learn all best practices, tips & tricks, components splicing strategies, from this comprehensive step--step handbook talk.
Never be lost again in front of a creating Design System from scratch!
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components
24 min
React Bricks: a CMS with visual editing based on React components

Headless CMSs are great for developers, but not for content creators.
React Bricks is the first CMS that is super-great for Developers (it's just React, backed solid APIs), for Content Creators (it keeps the visual editing experience of no-code tools like Wix) and for Designers (you can express your exact design system and be sure nobody will break it). I'll show you how it works!
React Bricks is the first CMS that is super-great for Developers (it's just React, backed solid APIs), for Content Creators (it keeps the visual editing experience of no-code tools like Wix) and for Designers (you can express your exact design system and be sure nobody will break it). I'll show you how it works!
How to cache GraphQL queries at the edge
23 min
How to cache GraphQL queries at the edge

A demo and deep dive into GraphCDN, the edge caching GraphQL CDN.
You thought your React application is secure? Think again
42 min
You thought your React application is secure? Think again

Modern frontend frameworks like React are well thought-of in their application security design and that’s great. However, there is still plenty of room for developers to make mistakes and use insecure APIs, vulnerable components, or generally do the wrong thing that turns user input into a Cross-site Scripting vulnerability (XSS). Let me show you how React applications get hacked in the real-world.
Contentful and headless
19 min
Contentful and headless

How Contentful helps you to manage all the data in a headless e-commerce website.
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
28 min
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry

The final stage of a react component is when it is being published and distributed. How can I ensure my packages won’t crash in production? This talk will help you to test your React components publishing them to a private registry and running End-to-End tests against them.
Hooks are a great abstraction model
13 min
Hooks are a great abstraction model

The discussion explores the separation of concerns between logic (Model) and UI (View) and how React hooks are a great abstraction model that help achieve that.
We'll start with designing a component's API (in a top down approach), then dive deeper to explore how to implement this API, while maintaining a good separation of concerns.
We'll create custom React hooks to implement the Model and React components for the UI. Both expose self-documenting APIs and are completely decoupled from each other.
To demo this approach, we'll create a simple Toggler component (a UI component that allows going back and forth in an array of values).Towards the end, we'll explore the benefits, focusing on testing these decoupled units in isolation.
We'll start with designing a component's API (in a top down approach), then dive deeper to explore how to implement this API, while maintaining a good separation of concerns.
We'll create custom React hooks to implement the Model and React components for the UI. Both expose self-documenting APIs and are completely decoupled from each other.
To demo this approach, we'll create a simple Toggler component (a UI component that allows going back and forth in an array of values).Towards the end, we'll explore the benefits, focusing on testing these decoupled units in isolation.
SSR & SSG in NextJS
27 min
SSR & SSG in NextJS

In this talk we are going to have a look on how to use Server-Side-Rendering and Static-Site-Generation in NextJS to serve pages.
Aleph.js - Build your React app in Deno
26 min
Aleph.js - Build your React app in Deno

A demo on Aleph.js about good development experience and deno runtime.
React on Steroids with Nx!
27 min
React on Steroids with Nx!

We often talk and hear about scaling in production, but we rarely talk about scaling development. Aspects like structuring and organizing your codebase, code sharing across teams, speeding up build and test runs can play a huge role in terms of productivity for a developer team. That impacts small teams but gets even more evident as your team grows and especially for large enterprises.
In this short talk I'm going to demo Nx and what it can do for you to help you modularize your React code, generate code for you, help you build faster and much more. Tune in to learn about the build framework you've been missing in your tool belt!
In this short talk I'm going to demo Nx and what it can do for you to help you modularize your React code, generate code for you, help you build faster and much more. Tune in to learn about the build framework you've been missing in your tool belt!
Make legacy code delightful with statecharts
22 min
Make legacy code delightful with statecharts

If you must have legacy code, you want it written in statecharts. We'll break down the mental models required for understanding unfamiliar UI code, and compare the maintenance costs with and without statecharts.
Automate your stack with GraphQL
22 min
Automate your stack with GraphQL

Lukas will demonstrate how you can have your backend GraphQL in sync with your frontend code on a framework agnostic way.
- Having the advantage of autocompletion while writing the GraphQL queries IDE support- Built in type safety through static schemas- Automatic generated frontend code for your framework of choice (React, Vue.js, Angular)- Having everything rebuild through a built in watch mode
- Having the advantage of autocompletion while writing the GraphQL queries IDE support- Built in type safety through static schemas- Automatic generated frontend code for your framework of choice (React, Vue.js, Angular)- Having everything rebuild through a built in watch mode
The Story of ReScript's Documentation Platform
39 min
The Story of ReScript's Documentation Platform

In this talk, Patrick goes through the effort that went into ReScript's documentation platform. You can check the slides for this talk here.
Web Components in React
20 min
Web Components in React

Likely you've heard of Web Components but do you know how to use them with React? If not, then this is the demonstration for you!
Breaking out of the confines: making games in React
20 min
Breaking out of the confines: making games in React

To show how we can make rich, interactive experiences, for instance games, with React semantics and shareable components, and what that means for traditional constructs, like the render-loop.
SolidJS - Reactive JSX
28 min
SolidJS - Reactive JSX

An introduction to SolidJS UI Library. Explore an example to show the similarity and differences between Hook + Virtual DOM versus Reactivity + DOM.
The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers 
32 min
The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers

Digital accessibility is a human right of people with disabilities around the globe. That means developers have an important role to play in advancing human rights! Join U.S. disability rights lawyer Lainey Feingold for a practical interactive discussion about laws and policies around the globe that impact digital accessibility. Come learn best practices for digital accessibility and how we all can “put the law in our pocket” to help make the digital world inclusive for everyone.
Video streaming on the web: Live and recorded video streaming
24 min
Video streaming on the web: Live and recorded video streaming

In this presentation, we'll present how video streaming works. We'll look at the anatomy of video streaming, and how video streaming is beneficial for delivering your content over just adding mp4 files.
We'll demonstrate live streaming from the browser, and then how to integrate that live stream into your webpage.
We'll demonstrate live streaming from the browser, and then how to integrate that live stream into your webpage.
JSX for Designers
21 min
JSX for Designers

Even today, with advanced tooling and frameworks, the gap between design and development still exists. This talk will examine how we can eliminate handoff between design and development teams using JSX as a shared source of truth across any platform.
Haptics, Sounds and Micro Animations
24 min
Haptics, Sounds and Micro Animations

Quick tips on how to utilise the native mobile platform to help provide your users an upgraded experience with sounds, vibrations and animations. Small changes can have a huge difference UX-wise.
Introducing state machines and statecharts
18 min
Introducing state machines and statecharts

State machines and statecharts can seem intimidating. Especially if you (like me!) didn’t study computer science, aren’t big into maths, or just haven’t come across state machines and statecharts before.
In this session, you’ll get a whirlwind introduction to state machines and statecharts, no prior knowledge and no coding experience required. Are you already familiar with state machines and statecharts but want to get a better understanding of the benefits and how to convince your team to get onboard? That’ll be covered too.
You could be a developer, designer, project manager, multi-disciplinarian or fancy specialist, I believe everyone can get something out of this talk, so join me!
In this session, you’ll get a whirlwind introduction to state machines and statecharts, no prior knowledge and no coding experience required. Are you already familiar with state machines and statecharts but want to get a better understanding of the benefits and how to convince your team to get onboard? That’ll be covered too.
You could be a developer, designer, project manager, multi-disciplinarian or fancy specialist, I believe everyone can get something out of this talk, so join me!
How to Delegate your React Dialogs
10 min
How to Delegate your React Dialogs

How to properly hide modals / dialogs / drawers functionalities behind buttons that spawn them without cluttering container components.
A thorough analysis of CSS-in-JS
24 min
A thorough analysis of CSS-in-JS

There are two mutually exclusive methods that CSS-in-JS libraries use to generate and ship styles to the browser. Both methods have benefits and downsides, so let’s analyze them in detail from the loading performance perspective.
Becoming a React developer - A hiring manager’s perspective
40 min
Becoming a React developer - A hiring manager’s perspective

The landscape of popular JS frameworks and libraries has become increasingly polarised. With React standing out an increasing number of companies are struggling to find skilled developers. People experienced in React are in a great position. Nevertheless, what if my CV lacks the right keyword? What if my Angular experience looks more like a burden? Can I apply for a front-end developer position in a React project?
Brief introduction to Nuxt
24 min
Brief introduction to Nuxt

In this brief introduction of Nuxt, we will learn Nuxt basics and how to build Git-files based content management system using Nuxt.js and its module system.
The future of work is enjoyable
28 min
The future of work is enjoyable

We’re generally afraid of the future. Not only is it unknown, but there’s quite a lot of reasons to believe we’re practically doomed. And it doesn’t help that we’re negatively wired nature, programmed to look out for risks more than search for rewards. Developers especially so.
So with this speech, I want to paint another picture for you. I genuinely believe, the future of work is enjoyable and definitely worth pursuing. And you can have that. Right after this speech.
So with this speech, I want to paint another picture for you. I genuinely believe, the future of work is enjoyable and definitely worth pursuing. And you can have that. Right after this speech.
Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects
26 min
Continuous Localization in Enterprise Web Projects

Did you know that 50% of users will NOT use the English version of your application, if it supports multiple languages? For ambitious high-growth businesses, going global is not "if" but "when" so it's important to recognize the importance of localization, especially in large multi-team projects. This discussion will explore the depths of localization in Agile companies and what can be achieved with a Continuous Localization system. I'll share some common issues we faced with multi-language products and how localization automation helped us to scale the process across many product teams within the company.
Reasons why we need inclusion
17 min
Reasons why we need inclusion

You can check the slides for Nasim's talk here.
How to View and React without a Head
27 min
How to View and React without a Head

You might have heard about Headless CMS. This new type of content platform gives us some benefits compared to a Monolithic CMS.We will talk about the key features of any Headless CMS and how we can integrate a headless platform into our React applications. We will focus on Storyblok, a headless CMS that offers a real-time Visual , a great feature for developers and content creators.
How to avoid bias or exclusion when recruiting
19 min
How to avoid bias or exclusion when recruiting

I focus on why inclusion is important in hiring and what are the inclusive hiring practices for any organization that could be taken into use. Inclusive hiring and evaluation process are the great window of opportunity that can truly support inclusion with practical actions. I offer practical tips and a way to implement small changes while working the way towards more inclusive hiring culture and strategy.
On The Road To The World's Best Branding
18 min
On The Road To The World's Best Branding

In this talk we'll take a closer how we do event branding and theming at Brella, and how we want to progress it in the future. Topics such as generating accessible colors will be discussed.