Matt McClure
Matthew is an internet video nerd. He's the co-founder and Head of Technology & Community at Mux, a startup building online video infrastructure for developers, a core-contributor to Video.js, the biggest HTML5 video framework, and the organizer of Demuxed, the largest video-focused dev conference/community in the world.
Going Live from your Browser without WebRTC
Going Live from your Browser without WebRTC

When developers think about broadcasting live from the browser, the immediate assumption is to use WebRTC. While WebRTC is amazing technology, server-side implementations are...lacking right now. We'll talk about a (totally hacky) way to get video from the browser via technology you're using today.
Going Live from a Browser...with Another Browser
JSNation Live 2020

8 min
Going Live from a Browser...with Another Browser

There are other ways to proxy live video from a browser to an RTMP endpoint, but what if we wanted to interact with that stream first? And not just interact writing obtuse ffmpeg filters, but just some good ol' HTML and CSS? Let's do that! We'll talk about how you can allow your streamers to go live directly from their browser using headless Chrome and ffmpeg.
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's do that with video!
JSNation Live 2021

8 min
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's do that with video!

Synchronizing multiple streams, particularly multiple live streams, and especially when the audio is critical too, can be incredibly difficult. How, then, could you build an experience where you have a few camera angles and you want a viewer to be able to seamlessly pick one? We'll walk through a hack technique that allows you to do just that without ever having to worry about synchronization.
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's Do That with Video!
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's Do That with Video!

Synchronizing multiple streams, particularly multiple live streams, and especially when the audio is critical too, can be incredibly difficult. How, then, could you build an experience where you have a few camera angles and you want a viewer to be able to seamlessly pick one? We'll walk through a hack technique that allows you to do just that without ever having to worry about synchronization.