June 9 - 11, 2021
JSNation Live

JSNation Live 2021

The biggest JS conference in the cloud

Discover the future of the JavaScript development ecosystem and get connected to its stellar crowd! Attend JSNation Live, a 3-day conference on all things JS, gathering international software engineers in the cloud. To help you stay up-to-date on the latest JavaScript technologies, we're coming back with our new remote gig on June 9-11, 2021. JSNation Live is the best place to learn about JavaScript online – beside the main JS conf talks and panel discussion with high-profile specialists, be prepared for awesome MCs, in-depth workshops, a number of virtual networking rooms, interactive entertainment, and engaging challenges for all participants.

This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.
Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling
31 min
Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling
Top Content
Vite is a next-generation build tool that leverages native ES modules for improved performance. It eliminates the need for bundling and improves hot module replacement. Vite provides an opinionated default configuration while still allowing advanced customization through plugins. It is framework agnostic and can be used for React and other applications. Vite is being adopted by Next.js and Create React App, and integration with Nuxt 3 offers significant speed improvements.
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
29 min
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
Top Content
WebAssembly enables optimizing JavaScript performance for different environments by deploying the JavaScript engine as a portable WebAssembly module. By making JavaScript on WebAssembly fast, instances can be created for each request, reducing latency and security risks. Initialization and runtime phases can be improved with tools like Wiser and snapshotting, resulting in faster startup times. Optimizing JavaScript performance in WebAssembly can be achieved through techniques like ahead-of-time compilation and inline caching. WebAssembly usage is growing outside the web, offering benefits like isolation and portability. Build sizes and snapshotting in WebAssembly depend on the application, and more information can be found on the Mozilla Hacks website and Bike Reliance site.
Building Brain-controlled Interfaces in JavaScript
27 min
Building Brain-controlled Interfaces in JavaScript
Top Content
Learn how to build brain-controlled interfaces using JavaScript and brain sensors. Understand the functions of different parts of the brain and how they relate to sensor placement. Explore examples of calm and focus detection, as well as the Kinesis API for mental commands. Discover the applications of brain-controlled interfaces, such as scrolling web pages and password-less authentication. Understand the limits and opportunities of brain control and the potential for using brain sensors in medical applications.
Multithreaded Logging with Pino
19 min
Multithreaded Logging with Pino
Top Content
Today's Talk is about logging with Pino, one of the fastest loggers for Node.js. Pino's speed and performance are achieved by avoiding expensive logging and optimizing event loop processing. It offers advanced features like async mode and distributed logging. The use of Worker Threads and Threadstream allows for efficient data processing. Pino.Transport enables log processing in a worker thread with various options for log destinations. The Talk concludes with a demonstration of logging output and an invitation to reach out for job opportunities.
The Third Age of JavaScript
30 min
The Third Age of JavaScript
Top Content
This talk presents the Third Age of JavaScript, covering the evolution and future of the language. It explores the adoption of ES modules and the decline of IE11, as well as the changing landscape of JavaScript tooling and the concept of polyglot tooling. The talk also touches on the potential future of JavaScript with WebAssembly and emphasizes the importance of code composability and receiving feedback in software development.
Debugging with Chrome DevTools
11 min
Debugging with Chrome DevTools
Top Content
Here are some tips for better utilizing DevTools, including using the run command, customizing keyboard shortcuts, and emulating the focus effect. Learn how to inspect memory, use the network panel for more control over network requests, and take advantage of console utilities. Save frequently used code as snippets and use local overrides for easy editing. Optimize images by using a more optimized format like AVIF and track changes in the network panel to see the reduced data size.
Micro Frontends with Module Federation and React
113 min
Micro Frontends with Module Federation and React
Top Content
Alex Lobera
Alex Lobera
Did you ever work in a monolithic Next.js app? I did and scaling a large React app so that many teams can work simultaneously is not easy. With micro frontends you can break up a frontend monolith into smaller pieces so that each team can build and deploy independently. In this workshop you'll learn how to build large React apps that scale using micro frontends.
Building a Hyper Fast Web Server with Deno
156 min
Building a Hyper Fast Web Server with Deno
Matt Landers
Will Johnston
2 authors
Deno 1.9 introduced a new web server API that takes advantage of Hyper, a fast and correct HTTP implementation for Rust. Using this API instead of the std/http implementation increases performance and provides support for HTTP2. In this workshop, learn how to create a web server utilizing Hyper under the hood and boost the performance for your web apps.
TensorFlow.JS 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond
39 min
TensorFlow.JS 101: ML in the Browser and Beyond
JavaScript with TensorFlow.js allows for machine learning in various environments, enabling the creation of applications like augmented reality and sentiment analysis. TensorFlow.js offers pre-trained models for object detection, body segmentation, and face landmark detection. It also allows for 3D rendering and the combination of machine learning with WebGL. The integration of WebRTC and WebXR enables teleportation and enhanced communication. TensorFlow.js supports transfer learning through Teachable Machine and Cloud AutoML, and provides flexibility and performance benefits in the browser and Node.js environments.
Web Components, Lit and Santa 🎅
28 min
Web Components, Lit and Santa 🎅
Web Components and the Lit library are introduced, highlighting their ability to create custom elements and replicate built-in components with different functionality. The use of semantic HTML and the benefits of web components in development are emphasized. The features of Lit, such as data binding and rendering, are discussed. The Santa Tracker is showcased as an example of web components being used in educational games. The compatibility of web components with other frameworks and their versatility in creating small widgets or large applications are highlighted.
Pixi Powerups!
30 min
Pixi Powerups!
Pixie is a powerful tool for creating scenes and effects in software development. It supports features like texture mapping, Spine animation, and filters for creating cool effects. The talk also covers the use of render textures to capture and download images, as well as the importance of communication and a positive attitude in software development. The speaker shares their journey into coding and discusses the potential for porting Unity games to JavaScript using technologies like web GL and web GPU.
Keep Scrolling
33 min
Keep Scrolling
Scroll animations can enhance user experience when done properly, but should not distract from important information. CSS, JavaScript, and plugins like Scroll Trigger can be used to achieve scroll animations. GreenSock's ScrollTrigger provides a powerful JavaScript animation library for more complex animations. It is important to consider accessibility and provide reduced motion fallbacks. CodePen and GreenSock's documentation are valuable resources for learning and inspiration in creative coding.
Securing Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens
9 min
Securing Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens
This talk introduces the concept of securing a Node.js API using a decentralized identity token. The token is encoded as a Base64 string and consists of a proof and claim. The API is built using Express and protected using Magic. The application has multiple routes, with the secret route being protected by middleware. The authorization header is checked and the DID token is validated for access to protected routes.
How to Outsmart Time: Building Futuristic JavaScript Apps Using Temporal
25 min
How to Outsmart Time: Building Futuristic JavaScript Apps Using Temporal
Temporal is a proposal in JavaScript that brings an ergonomic API for building futuristic JavaScript applications. It is now at stage 3 and implementers will start implementing it in different polyfills and browsers. Temporal includes classes for working with dates, times, time zones, calendars, and durations. The talk covers building an invoice calculator using Temporal, calculating durations between date times, creating and manipulating durations, understanding time relativity and rounding, and rewriting methods using Temporal. The speaker expresses gratitude to various contributors and provides a sandbox for exploration.
Micro-Frontends with Module Federation and Angular
113 min
Micro-Frontends with Module Federation and Angular
Manfred Steyer
Manfred Steyer
Ever more companies are choosing Micro-Frontends. However, they are anything but easy to implement. Fortunately, Module Federation introduced with webpack 5 has initiated a crucial change of direction.
In this interactive workshop, you will learn from Manfred Steyer -- Angular GDE and Trusted Collaborator in the Angular team -- how to plan and implement Micro-Frontend architectures with Angular and the brand new webpack Module Federation. We talk about sharing libraries and advanced concepts like dealing with version mismatches, dynamic Module Federation, and integration into monorepos.
After the individual exercises, you will have a case study you can use as a template for your projects. This workshop helps you evaluate the individual options for your projects.
Prerequisites:You should have some experience with Angular.
VS Code Can Do That!
28 min
VS Code Can Do That!
The Talk covers various tips and features of using VS Code, including the command palette, Zen mode, external terminals, and debugging. It also highlights advanced editing and refactoring features, Git integration, and the use of dev containers. The speaker demonstrates how to set up a dev container for a Python app, run code in a container, and create and configure dev containers. The benefits of using dev containers are also discussed, such as eliminating manual configuration, handling dependencies, and facilitating team-based development.
CSS Can Do That Too
22 min
CSS Can Do That Too
This Talk is about CSS techniques that can simplify web development and eliminate the need for JavaScript. It covers topics such as responsive typography, flexible font sizing, CSS math functions, scroll snapping, sticky elements, and CSS masonry layout. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding how sticky elements work and highlights the potential bugs that can occur. CSS Masonry layout is discussed as a native solution for creating masonry grids in the browser. Overall, CSS provides flexible solutions for web styling and is an exciting tool for developers.
Building a Custom Component Library – Fast
8 min
Building a Custom Component Library – Fast
Today, I want to talk to you about building custom component libraries fast. Every company should have its own standard set of UI controls for consistency in design, technology, and accessibility. Companies shouldn't build the harder parts of those libraries themselves, such as date pickers and data grids. But as a software developer, your time is valuable. Building custom component libraries is a better use of your time than reinventing the wheel.
Using the Proxy API for State Management
27 min
Using the Proxy API for State Management
This Talk introduces the concept of using proxies in JavaScript for state management. It explores the implementation of proxies, observing properties and creating caches, building the proxy, and observing changes with proxies. The Talk also discusses using the Taits library for state management and the performance implications of proxies. TypeScript and JavaScript are compared, and the results of a poll on their usage are shared.
How Your Architecture and Infrastructure Can Make (or Break) Your Team’s Productivity
8 min
How Your Architecture and Infrastructure Can Make (or Break) Your Team’s Productivity
Today's Talk discusses how architecture and infrastructure choices impact team productivity. Complex systems can lead to frustration, fragility, and slowness, hindering efficiency and creating knowledge silos. Decoupled front-ends, pre-compiled front-ends, and serverless functions can improve productivity and enable faster deployment. Supportive architectures are crucial for building a shipping culture and avoiding frustrating, fragile, and slow systems.
Simplifying the Complexity of Node.js with InfluxDB
8 min
Simplifying the Complexity of Node.js with InfluxDB
NodeSource's NSolid simplifies Node.js for Windows DB and provides analytics, diagnostics, and security. InfluxDB is used for data aggregation and real-time monitoring, with a three-second latency sampling mechanism. Challenges with Utility Influx are faced, but InfluxDB handles large amounts of data and is easy to test and debug. Ensolve is recommended for production to benefit from insights, security, and diagnostics.
Accelerating Code Quality with DORA Metrics
27 min
Accelerating Code Quality with DORA Metrics
This Talk discusses the Dora Metrics and their relation to continuous code improvement. High and elite performers deploy more frequently and have a lower change failure rate. Continuous code improvement involves identifying and fixing bugs in real time. Rollbar is a continuous code improvement platform that provides visibility into actionable errors. It helps organizations reduce the risk of losing customers and optimize developer productivity. Rollbar's unique error fingerprints and advanced features enable a deeper understanding of issues and faster resolution.
Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World
21 min
Micro-scopes – How to Build a Modular Modern App in a Bundled World
This Talk discusses the importance of bundling code in the modern JavaScript world and introduces Webpack as the de facto standard for bundling modules. It explores techniques such as code splitting, multiple entry points, and controlling the build process to optimize code organization and improve performance. The Talk also delves into concepts like Universal Model Definition (UMD) and using externals in Webpack to avoid code duplication. It highlights the benefits of separating and maintaining code in an application, as well as the use of micro-frontends and monorepos for scalability and collaboration. Overall, the Talk emphasizes the significance of code separation, dependency management, and efficient bundling strategies for developing robust and modular applications.
Service Workers: How to Run a Man-in-the-middle Attack on Your Own Site for Fun and Profit
34 min
Service Workers: How to Run a Man-in-the-middle Attack on Your Own Site for Fun and Profit
Service workers provide resilience and make sites faster by intercepting requests and responses, caching assets, and providing fallbacks. They can be used to show critical information when a site goes offline, cache pages for offline access, and improve performance. Service workers can also be used to build multi-page apps with more resilience and less complexity. Caching API responses and gradually adding more complex features are recommended when adopting service workers. Single-page apps are not always the best choice, and different approaches fit different use cases.
The Visual Future of State Management
32 min
The Visual Future of State Management
This talk discusses the visual future of state management and the use of state machines and state charts. XState is introduced as a state machine and state chart library for JavaScript, providing a clean and visualizable way to represent state machines. The talk highlights the features of XState, such as its state-first approach and utilities for interpreting the machine as a service. It also mentions the future goals of XState, including visualization, testing, analytics, and the development of a visual software modeling suite called Stately.
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
7 min
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
ReTool is a platform that focuses on building internal tools quickly. It offers easy integrations with databases and APIs, supports custom React components and JavaScript libraries, and provides extensive support and deployment options. Developers can try it out at retool.com.
Intro to AI for JavaScript Developers with Tensorflow.js
81 min
Intro to AI for JavaScript Developers with Tensorflow.js
Chris Achard
Chris Achard
Have you wanted to explore AI, but didn't want to learn Python to do it? Tensorflow.js lets you use AI and deep learning in javascript – no python required!
We'll take a look at the different tasks AI can help solve, and how to use Tensorflow.js to solve them. You don't need to know any AI to get started - we'll start with the basics, but we'll still be able to see some neat demos, because Tensorflow.js has a bunch of functionality and pre-built models that you can use on the server or in the browser.
After this workshop, you should be able to set up and run pre-built Tensorflow.js models, or begin to write and train your own models on your own data.
Let's Expand the Reality!
12 min
Let's Expand the Reality!
I work as a front-end developer with experience in 3D tasks using WebGL and 3DS framework. Let's explore virtual reality and WebXR, which allows full immersion in a digital environment. In VR, we can explore virtual worlds, move and rotate within them, interact with objects, and even use VR for education. AR, augmented reality, is different from VR as it allows you to see the real world while also overlaying virtual objects. XR reality encompasses both VR and AR, and it's already a standard with good browser support.
Put Down the Javascript – Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development
11 min
Put Down the Javascript – Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development
This Talk provides insights into web development fundamentals and the challenges faced in React setup. It emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation with HTML and CSS, and highlights the significance of SEO and accessibility in website development. The Talk also discusses the value of HTML, lists, and simplicity in coding. Overall, it offers practical advice for developers to level up their skills in web development.
Headless vs Traditional eCommerce Platforms: Introducing Commerce Layer
8 min
Headless vs Traditional eCommerce Platforms: Introducing Commerce Layer
Commerce Layer is an Atlas Commerce platform that provides global shopping capabilities. It offers a range of endpoints for managing various aspects of e-commerce. Modular architecture, like the one used by Commerce Layer, offers benefits such as flexibility, scalability, security, omnichannel capabilities, and future-proofing.
31 min
The Talk discusses various proposals for the next version of ECMAScript (ES Next) and the TC39 process. It covers features such as binding syntax, shorthand property assignments, pattern matching, async match, operator overloading, and more. These proposals aim to simplify code, make it more readable, and introduce new functionalities. The Talk also addresses questions about the committee's decision-making process and the experience of being part of the TC39 committee.
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
32 min
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
The speaker wanted to create the best developer experience for full stack React apps by simplifying the development process and getting rid of the API layer. They were inspired by server-side rendering in Ruby on Rails and wanted to achieve something similar with React. They announced Blitz with a server-side rendered prototype but wanted to improve it. They envisioned a simple solution where a server function talks directly to the database and is imported into the front-end code, with the framework handling the API layer.
Build React-like apps for internal tooling 10x faster with Retool
86 min
Build React-like apps for internal tooling 10x faster with Retool
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Most businesses have to build custom software and bespoke interfaces to their data in order to power internal processes like user trial extensions, refunds, inventory management, user administration, etc. These applications have unique requirements and often, solving the problem quickly is more important than appearance. Retool makes it easy for js developers to rapidly build React-like apps for internal tools using prebuilt API and database interfaces as well as reusable UI components. In this workshop, we’ll walk through how some of the fastest growing businesses are doing internal tooling and build out some simple apps to explain how Retool works off of your existing JavaScript and ReactJS knowledge to enable rapid tool building.
Prerequisites:A free Retool.com trial accountSome minimal JavaScript and SQL/NoSQL database experience
Retool useful link: https://docs.retool.com/docs
Web Components in Action
184 min
Web Components in Action
Joren Broekema
Alex Korzhikov
2 authors
The workshop extends JavaScript programming language knowledge, overviews general software design patterns. It is focused on Web Components standards and technologies built on top of them, like Lit-HTML and Lit-Element. We also practice writing Web Components both with native JavaScript and using Lit-Element. In the end we overview key tooling to develop an application - open-wc.
Data Visualization for Web Developers
139 min
Data Visualization for Web Developers
Anjana Vakil
Anjana Vakil
In this workshop, through hands-on projects we'll learn how to use Observable, a browser-based reactive coding platform, to rapidly build insightful, interactive visualizations in JavaScript. After completing this workshop, you'll have the basic tools & techniques you need to start using dataviz to better understand your code, your projects & your users, and make better data-driven decisions as a developer.
Build an IoT App With InfluxDB
105 min
Build an IoT App With InfluxDB
Miroslav Malecha
Miroslav Malecha
InfluxDB is an open source time series database that empowers developers to build IoT, analytics and monitoring software. It is purpose-built to handle the massive volumes and countless sources of time-stamped data produced sensors, applications and infrastructure.
This workshop showcases a fully functional sample application called IoT Center that is built on InfluxDB. This application demonstrates the capabilities of the InfluxDB platform to develop a JavaScript-enabled time-series-based application. It collects, stores and displays a set of values that include temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2 concentration, air quality, as well as provide GPS coordinates from a set of IoT devices. With this data stored in InfluxDB, the application can query this data for display as well as write data back into the database.
This hands-on workshop will show students how to install this open source code to learn how to query and write to InfluxDB using the InfluxDB JavaScript client, and gain familiarity with the Flux lang query language which is designed for querying, analyzing, and acting on time series data. And finally, collect and visualize performance data of the Node JS application.
Regular Expressions in JavaScript
83 min
Regular Expressions in JavaScript
Bonnie Schulkin
Bonnie Schulkin
Even if you're a regular expression pro, it's not always easy to know how to apply them in JavaScript. What's the difference between RegExp.prototype.exec and String.prototype.match ? What if I want to replace all punctuation followed multiple spaces with the same punctuation followed a single space? This workshop will explore the various methods and leave you with sample code, a cheat sheet, and the confidence to choose the right method for the job.
Prerequisites:Node 12+Array methods: map and filterKnowledge of regular expression syntax helpful but not required
Workshop level:JS devs who avoid regular expressions because who has time to figure out which method to use? Level: beginner / intermediate.
Create an Application Backend in Clicks with the Amplify Admin UI
29 min
Create an Application Backend in Clicks with the Amplify Admin UI
Today's talk introduces the AWS Amplify Admin UI and low code development, which aims to simplify backend web development. The AWS Amplify Admin UI is a powerful tool backed by AWS services, allowing users to create a database schema visually and test locally. The Amplify CLI and Datastore enable developers to link the backend to their code easily. Low code development in Amplify makes coding more accessible and fun. Amplify offers benefits such as direct use of AWS services, extensibility, and excellent GraphQL service. Other interesting topics include server-side rendering support, environmental management, and support for Node.js and Python in AWS Amplify.
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps & Underlying APIs
8 min
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps & Underlying APIs
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that helps find and fix security vulnerabilities. It integrates with your engineering stack and works with popular players in CICD. The DAST scanner crawls your application, tests it, and provides a summary of the findings, including cross-site scripting and SQL injection issues. The output in CICD includes a link to triage the issues.
Transforming a Country Through Code!
8 min
Transforming a Country Through Code!
Medellin, once the most dangerous city in the world, has transformed into the Silicon Valley of Latin America through technology and community inclusion. Colombia's tech community revolution began with the establishment of the first technology meetup in 2011 and has now become one of the largest Spanish-speaking tech communities in the world. Colombia has prioritized inclusion, diversity, and accessibility to build successful communities, resulting in recognition as the most innovative city by the BBC and significant startup investments. Starting small but with a focus on inclusion can have a significant impact in changing perceptions and creating a better future for all.
How Core Web Vitals Will Affect Google Rankings in 2021
31 min
How Core Web Vitals Will Affect Google Rankings in 2021
Lee, a solutions architect at Vercel, introduces Core Web Vitals and their impact on SEO, highlighting the importance of web performance and sharing examples from Amazon and Walmart. He explains the metrics for Core Web Vitals, including Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. Lee discusses strategies to reduce Cumulative Layout Shift, the benefits and challenges of using npm packages in the React ecosystem, and the upcoming Next.js conference. He concludes by inviting listeners to visit his Twitter profile and expressing gratitude for their participation.
An Introduction To IoT; Or How I Built an IoT Kitty Litter Box Using JavaScript
23 min
An Introduction To IoT; Or How I Built an IoT Kitty Litter Box Using JavaScript
This Talk is an introduction to IoT and JavaScript, discussing the use of JavaScript and Node for IoT projects, the importance of data considerations and choosing the right databases, and the practical implementation of an Internet-connected kitty litter box. It also explores controlling LEDs with Johnny-5, solving the load cell problem, and the future of IoT. The speaker encourages experimentation and shares cool IoT projects like the magic mirror and internet-connected nano leaves. Practical IoT projects and joining the speaker's discussion rooms are also suggested for beginners.
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
34 min
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
Yarn is a package manager and project manager that prioritizes soundness and reliability. It offers workflows and features like zero-installs and workspace alignment. Yarn's success lies in its infrastructure and hidden gems. It has a modular architecture and is committed to the ecosystem. Yarn emphasizes correctness and is a better fit for those who value it.
Getting Comfortable with Angular and UI
149 min
Getting Comfortable with Angular and UI
Alyssa Nicoll
Alyssa Nicoll
A workshop for UI and Angular beginners alike. Let's pull down the Tour of Heroes app (written John Papa and found throughout the Angular docs) and give it a UI upgrade! All you will need is a laptop and your favorite data set (mine, of course, will be ponies.)
Painting with Data: Intro to d3.js
130 min
Painting with Data: Intro to d3.js
Ian Johnson
Ian Johnson
D3.js is a powerful JavaScript library for building data visualizations, but anyone who has tried to use it quickly finds out that it goes deeper picking your favorite chart type. This workshop is designed to give you a hands-on introduction to the essential concepts and techniques for creating custom data visualizations with d3.js. By the end of this workshop you will have made an interactive and animated visualization on a realistic dataset that you can easily swap out with your own.
DevOps 2.0: The ultimate JS delivery pipeline
164 min
DevOps 2.0: The ultimate JS delivery pipeline
Tom Papiernik
Tom Papiernik
Buddy is a CI/CD tool that lowers the entry threshold to DevOps simplifying pipeline configuration to bare minimum, enabling teams to embrace CI/CD with no dedicated engineers. During the presentation, we will show you how to create a fully functional JavaScript pipeline and adapt it to the workflow in your company in a couple of minutes. We are going to put special emphasis on features that help secure code quality, share some tricks that speed up the deployment (trigger conditions, cache, Docker, changeset deployments, parallelization), and show you how to preview deployed websites with no server infrastructure using Sandboxes – a unique feature of Buddy.
Prerequisites:Code , Git installedGitHub account
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's do that with video!
8 min
Remember CSS Sprites? Let's do that with video!
Today's Talk discusses the use of video sprites, which are similar to CSS sprites and are commonly used for optimization. Video sprites can be used to synchronize and select multiple video feeds, allowing viewers to choose the desired feed. Smooth streaming and broadcasting limitations are also mentioned, highlighting the need to consider resolution constraints. Overall, the Talk provides insights into the benefits and techniques of using video sprites for feed synchronization and optimization.
Jamstack eCommerce 101
199 min
Jamstack eCommerce 101
Bolaji Ayodeji
Bolaji Ayodeji
Digital commerce has changed, and there is an increasing demand for faster and kite efficient solutions. In this workshop, you'll learn about the evolution of ecommerce and how Jamstack and headless commerce evolves shopping experiences on the web. We will explore the basics of headless commerce building a minimal Jamstack ecommerce product page with static content, HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. Finally, we will integrate Commerce Layer for headless commerce capabilities and deploy our application to Netlify.