So, let's talk about a hack I've been working on that's probably a really terrible idea. So, first of all let's talk about what we mean by live broadcast. Some quick background here. Live broadcast is not live chat. So, it's a really common misconception, but these two things are actually quite different.
So, in live chat you have just two people, two users talking directly back and forth. They can just share video potentially even peer-to-peer. So, it doesn't need to get routed through a centralized server. It can just go directly from one to the other. This latency needs to be like 300 milliseconds or less. You start getting up to like 500 milliseconds, it gets really hard to actually have that one-to-one conversation. You can maybe even have a few peers here. So, that can get 3, 5, 10, really depends on how much bandwidth each user can have, because you're kind of constrained by whoever has the least bandwidth to be able to share video back and forth between every person in the chat.
Live broadcast, on the other hand, is from one camera feed to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people at once. So now, you're not talking any more about a communication, one-to-one communication anymore, it's one person kind of broadcasting out to a bunch. So you need to be able to scale it, you need to be able to have affordable costs, but then those viewers don't necessarily need to be talked back in real time. So, latency in, you know, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, is pretty fine. By the time a person's responded in chat, it should be pretty responsive. The same technology doesn't really work well for both, for a few reasons.
So, live chat is powered by browser technologies like WebRTC, so that's a suite of APIs that can be used for browsers to communicate with each other, peer-to-peer, get the browsers' media, all those kind of things. Live broadcasting, on the other hand, is powered by technologies like RTMP. So RTMP is a server protocol, a communication protocol for delivering video. So it used to be used a lot more on delivery, but now it's kind of standard for getting a broadcast feed into a server. Then that server will transcode that to something for delivery to the end users that's a little bit more cheap and scalable, like HLS. And HLS is a format that basically takes video, chunks it up into small chunks, lists those chunks in a manifest, and then players can download the manifest and then keep pulling it for updates. But it can just be hosted on normal CDNs, it's just delivered like normal files, it's just HTTP, so it's really really easy and understandable to scale, and it's cheap, relatively speaking. Ok, so you're probably thinking, if I need to get to RTMP first, let's just go WebRTC to RTMP in the browser. The browsers are mostly like, nah. You unfortunately can't get low level enough in the networking level to be able to communicate over RTMP. Ok, so what about the technology we can't access? What about the things that we do have in our toolkit? So spoiler alert, a server is going to be involved either way.