Tanner Linsley

Tanner Linsley

Tanner Linsley is an entrepreneur and open source creator who loves React and JavaScript. He has built and still maintain several well-known open source libraries like React Query, React Table, React Virtual, React Form, React Charts, React Static, and even Chart.js He co-founded Nozzle.io 6 years ago and is currently helping it grow as VP of UI and UX. When not programming, Tanner spends his free time traveling, recording music, film-making, and vacationing with his wife and children.
Tanstack Start - A Client-Side First Full-Stack React Framework
React Summit US 2024React Summit US 2024
Nov 19, 21:55
Tanstack Start - A Client-Side First Full-Stack React Framework
Join us for a fast paced introduction to TanStack’s full stack client-side first React framework. Based on TanStack Router, it’s jam packed with Type Safety, server functions, SSR, powerful URL state management and couple more awesome surprise features that make building apps easy, fast and fun again!
5 Years of Building React Table
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
24 min
5 Years of Building React Table
Top Content
Join me as a I dive into the history of React Table and discuss everything it’s taught me (both successes and failures!) since I built the first component-based version 5 years ago. We’ll cover tons of sub-topics including, but not limited to: .... takes a breath ... Headless UI, React Hooks, Advanced TypeScript, Branding & Naming-Things, Build Pipelines, Open Source Software, API Design, React/JavaScript performance and even Framework Agnostic Tooling!
React Query: It’s Time to Break up with your "Global State”!
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
30 min
React Query: It’s Time to Break up with your "Global State”!
Top Content
An increasing amount of data in our React applications is coming from remote and asynchronous sources and, even worse, continues to masquerade as "global state". In this talk, you'll get the lowdown on why most of your "global state" isn't really state at all and how React Query can help you fetch, cache and manage your asynchronous data with a fraction of the effort and code that you're used to.
Rethinking Server State with React Query
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
96 min
Rethinking Server State with React Query
Top Content
Featured Workshop
The distinction between server state and client state in our applications might be a new concept for some, but it is very important to understand when delivering a top-notch user experience. Server state comes with unique problems that often sneak into our applications surprise like:
- Sharing Data across apps- Caching & Persistence- Deduping Requests- Background Updates- Managing “Stale” Data- Pagination & Incremental fetching- Memory & Garbage Collection- Optimistic Updates
Traditional “Global State” managers pretend these challenges don’t exist and this ultimately results in developers building their own on-the-fly attempts to mitigate them.
In this workshop, we will build an application that exposes these issues, allows us to understand them better, and finally turn them from challenges into features using a library designed for managing server-state called React Query.
By the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of server state, client state, syncing asynchronous data (mouthful, I know), and React Query.
Let's Build React Query in 150 Lines of Code!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
30 min
Let's Build React Query in 150 Lines of Code!
Top Content
Since React Summit last year, React Query has already become one of the most popular and powerful data fetching libraries for React. To celebrate, we'll be going behind the scenes to see how React Query actually works and even build our own useQuery hook in just 150 lines of code.