Atila Fassina
Atila is a self-taught developer and content creator who shares knowledge as a mean to learn things better. He's being working with web developments for sometime now. In Brazil and in Europe. Either speaking at conferences, recording videos on his youtube channel, or writing articles on Smashing Magazine, Dev.to, and his personal blog.
SolidStart 1.0: Peeking Under the Hood
React Summit 2024

30 min
SolidStart 1.0: Peeking Under the Hood

SolidStart is the full stack Meta-Framework from the SolidJS ecosystem. It brings multiple tools and libraries together in a composable fashion to offer highly performant, understandable, and scalable foundations for web applications. Let's explore how SolidStart solves common UX and DX for building better apps.
Understanding Rendering PatternsWatch video: Understanding Rendering Patterns
Understanding Rendering Patterns

React has exploded in popularity thanks to the performance and unrivaled developer experience the virtual DOM and reconciliation could offer. But as our apps grew, we started pushing the boundaries of managing client state in a performant way. Let's see how to achieve fine-grained reactivity and what resumability brings to the table.