Baptiste Jamin
Baptiste is the CEO and co-founder of Crisp, a customer messaging platform used by 300 000 companies. I started coding when I was 12, and made many different projects before co-founding Crisp in 2015. Some worked and many failed. I still code a lot and have a full-stack approach, from code, UI, UX, growth hacking to customer support.
How to Seamlessly Migrate a Large Codebase to Vue 3
Vue.js London Live 2021

20 min
How to Seamlessly Migrate a Large Codebase to Vue 3

Migrating to Vue 3 can be an important task (depending on your project's size). At Crisp, we recently migrated our app (250K lines of code) from Vue 2.6 to Vue 3.2 in about 2 weeks.In this talk, we will share our learnings so you can benefit from our experience.