Brad Westfall

Brad Westfall

Brad Westfall has been teaching Web Development since 2010 including bootcamp instruction, online videos, conference speaking, writing at, and corporate training for He loves to connect with students by helping them achieve their technical goals and by distilling complex concepts into simple instruction.
Modern React Architecture
React Summit 2025React Summit 2025
Jun 18, 14:00
Modern React Architecture
In this workshop we'll dive into the latest advancements in React and best practices for building modern React apps. We'll take a look at modern NextJS and React Router 7 Framework (aka Remix) along with React's new "React Server Components". We'll also talk about improving the data-fetching strategies of your SPAs along with options for migrating your SPA to modern React Router.
Modern React Architecture
JSNation 2025JSNation 2025
Jun 18, 14:00
Modern React Architecture
In this workshop we'll dive into the latest advancements in React and best practices for building modern React apps. We'll take a look at modern NextJS and React Router 7 Framework (aka Remix) along with React's new "React Server Components". We'll also talk about improving the data-fetching strategies of your SPAs along with options for migrating your SPA to modern React Router.
Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
Watch video: Modern Approaches for Creating Extremely Fast Websites
In this talk is focused on performance-optimizations and standards-based approaches to achieving the fastest version of your site that you can have. We'll also talk about modern tooling and frameworks like Remix which help make your site fast with very little effort.