June 12 - 16, 2025

Amsterdam & Online
JSNation 2025
The main JavaScript conference of the year
Full remote ticket included with Multipass.
Discover the future of the JavaScript development ecosystem and get connected to its stellar crowd!
JSNation is the best place to learn about JavaScript – beside the main JS conf talks and panel discussion with high-profile specialists, be prepared for awesome MCs, in-depth workshops, a number of discussions & networking rooms, interactive entertainment, and engaging challenges for all participants.

Evan You
Vue.js & Vite Creator, Singapore
Talk: Vite and the Future of JavaScript Tooling
Evan is an independent software developer and the creator of the open source JavaScript framework Vue.js. Most of his work is open source and publicly available on GitHub. You can follow Evan on Twitter where he mostly tweets about Vue and frontend technologies.

Charlie Gerard
CrowdStrike, USA
Talk: Motion Control With Multimodal LLMs
Charlie is a senior research engineer, the author of Practical Machine Learning in JavaScript with TensorFlow.js and overall, a creative technologist. In her spare time she explores the field of human-computer interaction and builds side projects using machine learning, AR/VR, hardware and creative coding.

Matteo Collina
Platformatic.dev, Italy
Talk: The State of Node.js 2025
Matteo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Platformatic.dev with the goal to remove all friction from backend development. He is also a prolific Open Source author in the JavaScript ecosystem and modules he maintains are downloaded more than 17 billion times a year. Previously he was Chief Software Architect at NearForm.
Matteo is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee focusing on streams, diagnostics and http. He is also the author of the fast logger Pino and of the Fastify web framework.
He is also co-author of the book "Accelerating Server-Side Development with Fastify" edited by Packt.
In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Matteo is an renowed international speaker after more than 60 conferences, including OpenJS World, Node.js Interactive, NodeConf.eu, NodeSummit, JSConf.Asia, WebRebels, and JsDay just to name a few.
In the summer he loves sailing the Sirocco.

Alba Silvente Fuentes
Storyblok, Netherlands
Talk: Building Web Extensions With Your Favourite Framework
Alba Silvente, aka Dawntraoz, is a Sr FullStack Engineer at Storyblok. She loves writing about FE development, Jamstack, and Web Performance on her blog, speaking at conferences, hosting a Spanish tech podcast, and working hard in the open-source community. She is also a GoogleDevExpert in Web Technologies, a Microsoft MVP and an ambassador at WTM & Nuxt.

Thomas Steiner
Google, Germany
Talk: AI Right in the Browser With Chrome’s Built-in AI APIs
Thomas Steiner is an Engineer at Google, focused on Web AI, WebAssembly, and Project Fugu. He's an alum of University of Lyon (Postdoc), Polytechnic University of Barcelona (Ph. D.), and University of Karlsruhe (MA). Thomas toots as @[email protected].

Phil Nash
DataStax, Australia
Talk: The Built-in Browser-Based Babelfish
Phil is a developer relations engineer for DataStax and Google Developer Expert living in Melbourne, Australia. He's been working in developer relations for a decade, speaking at conferences since 2012, and writing JavaScript since before jQuery. Away from the keyboard, Phil enjoys travel, live music, and hanging out with his mini sausage dog, Ruby.

Barry Pollard
Google, Ireland
Talk: Supercharge Your Debugging With the New Features in Chrome Devtools
Barry Pollard is a Web Performance Developer Advocate in the Google Chrome team, working on Core Web Vitals and the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX). He is one of the maintainers of the HTTP Archive and it's annual Web Almanac publication. He's also the author of HTTP/2 in Action from Manning Publications.

Jo Franchetti
Deno, UK
Talk: Testing the Waters With Deno
Jo is an Engineer at Deno. She is passionate about improving developer experience, advocating for TypeScript and teaching good use of the web. She mentors junior developers, advocates a lot for mental health awareness and is devoted to improving the diversity and inclusivity of the tech industry.

Zoltan Kochan
Bit, Hungary
Talk: Configurational Dependencies in pnpm
Lead maintainer of pnpm since 2016, which started as a completely independent open-source package manager for JavaScript.
Zoltan is an engineer at Bit. He works on the dependency management aspect of the Bit CLI.
Previously worked at JustAnswer, where Zoltan was mainly working on front-end infrastructure.

Hemanth HM
PayPal, USA
Talk: Contributing to Web Standards
TC39 delegate and ECMA rep, working on JavaScript feature proposals. Hemanth is a FOSS philosopher and MTS at PayPal Inc. Google Developer Expert for Web && Payments. DuckDuckGo community leader. Member of Node.js Foundation. Google Launchpad Accelerator mentor.

Daniel Norman
Interplanetary Shipyard, Germany
Talk: Demystifying IPFS: A Web Developer's Guide to Content Distribution
Daniel is a software developer and developer advocate for the IPFS and libp2p projects who brings over a decade of experience with the Web stack and distributed systems. He's passionate about open-source culture, developer tools, and the Web Platform, and enjoys applying insights from various disciplines to software development.

Daniel Afonso
PagerDuty, Portugal
Talk: The 2025 State of JavaScript Testing
Daniel Afonso is a Senior Developer Advocate at PagerDuty, SolidJS DX team member, Instructor at Egghead.io, and Author of State Management with React Query. Daniel has a full-stack background, having worked with different languages and frameworks on various projects from IoT to Fraud Detection. He is passionate about learning and teaching and has spoken at multiple conferences around the world about topics he loves. In his free time, when he's not learning new technologies or writing about them, he's probably reading comics or watching superhero movies and shows.

Paolo Ricciuti
Mainmatter, SSE, Italy
Talk: Surprise! Svelte Secretly Sending Signals
Svelte Ambassador and Maintainer, sometimes called a mad scientist because of weird Javascript experiments that it does. It's one of the co-creator of Sveltelab and generally a huge nerd. Works as a SSE at Mainmatter.
Luca Del Puppo
Nearform, Italy
Talk: TypeScript Gymnastics: Why Are They So Powerful for You?
I'm a Senior Software Developer, Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert Codemotion Ambassador and GitKraken Ambassador. I love JavaScript and TypeScript.
In my free time, I love studying new technologies, improving myself, creating YouTube content or writing technical articles. I can’t stay without trail running and love to do it in my love Dolomiti.

Vinicius Dallacqua
Gilion, Sweden
Talk: What Is an AnimationFrame and What Can It Tell You?
Brazilian born, previously Spotify and Klarna, currently working with different teams driving development and tooling at Gilion. Also working on perflab.io to help bridging the knowledge gap on performance tooling.

Edoardo Dusi
Storyblok, Italy
Talk: Bundlers: A Deep Dive into Modern JavaScript Build Tools
Edoardo has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating and sharing content that educates and inspires other developers, such as tech talks, videos, podcasts, conferences, and more. He enjoys connecting with the developer community and promoting the benefits of open source software.

Leo Kettmeir
Deno, Netherlands
Talk: JSR: Building an Open Registry for the JavaScript Community
I am a software engineer at Deno who works on developer experience, implementing web APIs, improving auto-generated documentation, and more. When I am not programming, I tinker with 3D printers & fly drones.

Yash Verma
University of Calgary, Canada
Talk: When JavaScript Meets OpenTelemetry: It's Observability O'Clock
Yash is taking a break from university. He is curious about observability and reliability in large systems and constantly seeks new insights in these areas. As an active advocate of OpenTelemetry, he contributes to both the project and the broader community. Outside of tech, he’s an enthusiastic explorer - whether experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen or traveling the world to experience diverse cuisines.

Nick Hehr
Viam Robotics, USA
Talk: Real-Time Robot Control From the Browser With WebRTC
Nick is an empathetic community member, full-stack developer, avid climber and cyclist. He is currently a Senior Developer Advocate at Viam where he helps people build and manage their hardware projects from anywhere in the world. He is an invited expert with TC53 to help shape the future of JS on things. In his free time, he tinkers with home automation and robots built with JavaScript. His mustache is a figment of your imagination.

Ewa Gasperowicz
Google, Switzerland
Talk: Supercharge Your Debugging With the New Features in Chrome Devtools
Ewa is a Developer Relations Engineer in the Google Chrome team. She is a passionate frontend engineer deeply involved in the development of new Chrome and Web Platform features. Driven by a desire to empower developers, she focuses on creating tools and improvements that streamline workflows and enhance the overall web development experience.

Glafira Zhur
Semrush, Spain
Talk: a11y Testing Is Broken: How Lighthouse and Axe Fail in Real Projects
GDE for Web, speaker, host of the "Inclusive Pineapple" podcast, organizer of MinskCSS, MinskJS and Accessibility Club Minsk. An unstoppable teacher in digital accessibility courses https://accessibilityunity.com/ 🙂

Carl Vuorinen
City Dev Labs Oy, Finland
Talk: Build Your Own Reactivity: A Deep Dive Into Signals
Carl is a web developer and team lead at City Dev Labs in Finland. He has over a decade of experience in web development with various frameworks and languages. He likes to take on challenging projects and to learn new things to effectively solve real problems. He focuses on quality code that produces real value to the end user.

Alex Russell
Microsoft, USA
Alex is Partner Program Manager on the Microsoft Edge team and Blink API OWNER. Before joining Edge in 2021, he worked on Chrome’s Web Platform team for a dozen years where he helped design many new features. He served as overall Tech Lead for Chromium’s Project Fugu, lead Chrome’s Standards work, and acted as a platform strategist for the web. He also served as a member of ECMA TC39 for more than a decade and was elected to three terms on the W3C’s Technical Architecture Group.
His technical projects have included Fugu, Progressive Web Apps, Service Workers, and Web Components, along with ES6 features like Classes and Promises. Previously he helped build Google Chrome Frame and led the Dojo Toolkit project. Alex plays for Team Web.

Katharina Fetzer
hylane GmbH, Germany
Talk: Sustainable Web Development in Startups: Applying Green Coding Principles for a Greener Future
At the age of just 29, Katharina is Head of IT at hylane, a rental company for hydrogen trucks. She previously worked as a software developer and data engineer at WetterOnline for 9 years. In her work, she places a special focus on sustainable corporate IT and will share her experiences.

Daniel Hervás
Reckon Digital, Spain
Talk: Divide and Conquer? - Exploring the 'JS0' and 'JSSugar' Proposal for JavaScript Evolution
Daniel is a software engineer with a background in first, local, and then international and VC-backed startups. He's now the lead engineer at Reckon Digital, where he directs and coordinates several projects with clients such as the UN's World Food Programme.

Mark Robustelli
FusionAuth, USA
Talk: Auth: Build vs Open Source vs Buy
Mark Robustelli is an accomplished software engineer and technology leader with over 25 years of experience in architecting and implementing innovative solutions for a wide range of clients. Most recently, he has found a perfect fit that allows him to combine his love of technology with his passion for helping people as a Developer Relations Engineer at FusionAuth.

Sahar Brodbeker
monday.com, Israel
Talk: Sharing Is Caring – Boosting Micro-frontends Performance With Dependency Sharing
A serial tools builder, I'm super passionate about creating a magical and seamless developer experience.
Have been working on creating tools, infrastructure and systems for developers over the past 7 years, and going strong!

Connell Gauld
Zappar, UK
Talk: How We Rebuild the Creative Playground That Flash Took to the Grave
As CTO and Co-Founder, Connell oversees Zapworks (Zappar’s AR, VR & WebXR platform) as well as being responsible for all cloud infrastructure. Connell founded Zappar in 2011, alongside Dr. Simon Taylor, Caspar Thykier and Kirk Ewing and is one of the world's leading XR Platforms and creative studios. More recently, Connell and the team launched Zapvision, an app and SDK that's helping people who are blind or have low vision to access product information on packaging through a single Accessible QR code.

Sulagna Ghosh
StockEdge, India
Talk: JavaScript Isn’t Slow – It’s Just Scheduled Wrong
I'm Sulagna Ghosh, a JavaScript engineer who loves working with React, performance optimization, web accessibility, and authentication. I enjoy solving tricky problems and fine-tuning rendering workflows to make web experiences as smooth as my morning coffee.
When I'm not coding, you'll find me sharing insights through tech talks, lively discussions, and blogs. I'm always learning—whether it's a new programming language or the secret to the perfect masala chai. Always up for a good brainstorming session, especially if it involves code and caffeine.

Anton Zalaldinov
Affirm, Canada
Talk: Third-Party Scripts: Surviving the Wild West of the Web
Anton is a Senior Software Engineer at Affirm, specializing in building robust and scalable JavaScript solutions. Outside of work, Anton actively contributes to the tech community by helping organize Vancouver JS, fostering developer learning and networking opportunities.