Cedric van Putten

Cedric van Putten

Cedric is an engineer at Expo, primarily focusing on devtooling and developer experience. If you interacted with the Expo CLI, tried to set up a monorepo, used the Expo Tools vscode extension, tried out a Snack, or found Expo Atlas, you've already used some of his work.
Breaking through the Browser Barrier (With Expo)
React Advanced Conference 2024React Advanced Conference 2024
Breaking through the Browser Barrier (With Expo)
With over 1.13 billion websites worldwide, itʼs clear that cross-platform 
development is popular. However, with 60.74% of people preferring mobile 
devices over desktops for internet access, providing a polished UX can be 
challenging when using only websites.

In this talk, Iʼll demonstrate how developers can use Expo to bring their web-only 
products closer to their users. Starting with a fictional web-only product, Iʼll 
incrementally reuse the code and run it on iOS and Android using both the existing 
web code and platform-native elements. Depending on our demo readiness during 
the conference, this may include a new experimental feature of the Expo Router 
called DOM Routes that helps developers in this process.