Florian Rappl
Dr. Florian Rappl is a solution architect from Germany who specializes in the creation of scalable distributed web applications. He is almost exclusively working on micro frontend solutions. Florian is a long-time Microsoft MVP in the development tools area.
8 Things You Did Now Know Micro Frontends Can Do
React Summit US 2024

22 min
8 Things You Did Now Know Micro Frontends Can Do

Did you know that micro frontends can be much faster than their monolithic counter parts? How about rollbacks of specific features? In this talk you will hear and see 8 examples of things that will not only teach you a bit about micro frontends, but also in what cases they are most useful.
Micro Frontends and Security
JSNation US 2024Watch video: Micro Frontends and Security

23 min
Micro Frontends and Security

Micro Frontends are everywhere - on the client, on the server, and on the edge. Quite often the scalability of micro frontends is determined by the freedom and independence of the teams using them. This can lead to problems as potentially arbitrary code enters the applications at runtime asking the question of what potential vulnerabilities exist and how to mitigate them.
In this session, you'll hear about some of the most frequent vulnerabilities that appear in real-world projects using micro frontends. You'll see what you can do to get rid of them and avoid mistakes leading to security issues. The quest for this talk is to deliver at speed and scale, but do it without compromises on security.
In this session, you'll hear about some of the most frequent vulnerabilities that appear in real-world projects using micro frontends. You'll see what you can do to get rid of them and avoid mistakes leading to security issues. The quest for this talk is to deliver at speed and scale, but do it without compromises on security.
Testing CLI Utilities
TestJS Summit 2022

34 min
Testing CLI Utilities

Ever wondered what is the best way to end-to-end test your custom command line utilities? In this talk Florian Rappl will give you some insights what you can do to automatically verify your CLI tools and avoid regression.- Introduction: Why test CLI tools- Challenges: File system pollution, network and database issues, environment variables- Demo: Showcase issues with a demo CLI tool - Solutions: Test plan implementation, choosing the right level of containerization- Demo: Show solution using the previous CLI tool- Conclusion
Serverless for Frontends
DevOps.js Conf 2022

8 min
Serverless for Frontends

In this talk micro frontend expert Florian Rappl will introduce the pattern of creating a Siteless UI. This is a frontend composed of different pieces that can be developed independently and are deployed without having or managing any server. Florian will show you how to get started in that space, what decisions to take, and what pitfalls you should avoid.