Jen Looper
Jen is a Google Developer Expert and a Cloud Developer Advocate Lead at Microsoft with over 20 years' experience as a web and mobile developer, specializing in creating cross-platform mobile apps. Jen is a multilingual multiculturalist with a passion for hardware hacking, mobile apps, Vue.js, machine learning and discovering new things every day. I'm also the founder and CEO of Front-End Foxes, an international initiative and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created to help women learn front-end technologies.
PoseDance: Build a TikTok Trainer
JSNation Live 2020

31 min
PoseDance: Build a TikTok Trainer

Do you scroll through TikTok, amazed at the goofy, yet complicated dance moves featuring today's youths? Those kids are popping off while you're sitting around, coding SQL queries. Fortunately, we are technologists, and there's no problem we can't solve, including getting better at TikTok dancing. In this talk, I'll show you how I perfected my moves building PoseDance, your friendly TikTok trainer. We'll discuss how I leveraged PoseNet, which allows you to pinpoint body motion and draw a 'skeleton' on a video. Combined with a webcam mapping your own dance skeleton, a bit of math to compare the matching points, Azure functions to authenticate a user, and PlayFab as a game-friendly backend to keep scores and create a leaderboard, you've got the perfect quarantine pastime, making a perfect fool of yourself in front of a webcam. Come dance with me!