PoseDance: Build a TikTok Trainer

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Do you scroll through TikTok, amazed at the goofy, yet complicated dance moves featuring today's youths? Those kids are popping off while you're sitting around, coding SQL queries. Fortunately, we are technologists, and there's no problem we can't solve, including getting better at TikTok dancing. In this talk, I'll show you how I perfected my moves building PoseDance, your friendly TikTok trainer. We'll discuss how I leveraged PoseNet, which allows you to pinpoint body motion and draw a 'skeleton' on a video. Combined with a webcam mapping your own dance skeleton, a bit of math to compare the matching points, Azure functions to authenticate a user, and PlayFab as a game-friendly backend to keep scores and create a leaderboard, you've got the perfect quarantine pastime, making a perfect fool of yourself in front of a webcam. Come dance with me!

This talk has been presented at JSNation Live 2020, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


PoseDance is a TikTok trainer app created by Jen Looper. It uses PoseNet and the Canvas API to help users dance as well as popular TikTok dancers by comparing their movements to a TikTok video.

PoseDance was created by Jen Looper, a Cloud Advocate Lead at Microsoft.

PoseDance was designed to be inclusive by featuring differently-abled dancers. The app does not make judgments but measures and displays key body points.

PoseDance compares the positions of key body points from the user's webcam feed to those in a TikTok video. The difference in positions is used to calculate a score.

Challenges include handling large machine learning models, ensuring responsiveness, and managing asynchronous calls to load models, webcam feed, and videos.

You can visit aka.ms/posedance to use the app and access its source code on GitHub.

Yes, contributions are welcome. You can send pull requests to the PoseDance GitHub repository, which is linked from the app's main page.

PoseNet uses TensorFlow.js to detect 17 key body points in real-time from images or videos. It constructs a skeleton by estimating the positions of these key points.

PoseNet can be used for sports analysis, yoga pose correction, and any application requiring pose detection in images or videos.

PoseDance utilizes PoseNet for pose detection, TensorFlow.js for machine learning, and the Canvas API to draw skeletons on video frames.

Jen Looper
Jen Looper
31 min
18 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
PoseDance is a TikTok trainer app that uses PoseNet for real-time pose detection. It leverages TensorFlow.js to analyze 17 key body points and draw skeletons on videos. The app integrates with Azure Functions and PlayFab for backend management and scoring. PoseNet's capabilities make it suitable for various applications such as sports, yoga, and even medical uses. The app is designed to be inclusive, considering differently-abled dancers. Building PoseDance involved handling large models, webcam integration, and ensuring responsive design. The scoring system, which currently has performance issues, may be reworked to improve accuracy and speed.

1. Introduction to PoseDance and TikTok

Short description:

Hi everyone, in this part, I'll be introducing PoseDance, a TikTok trainer app. We'll discuss the idea of building a skeleton using the Canvas API and video to improve your dancing skills. I'm Jen Looper, a Cloud Advocate Lead at Microsoft, and I'll also cover what TikTok is, delve into PoseNet, explain its inner workings, and share insights on how I built PoseDance. Stay tuned for an exciting demo!

Hi everyone, I'm so excited to be here to speak to you today about a very interesting app that I've created. It's called PoseDance and what it is is it's a TikTok trainer. So we're going to talk a little bit about PoseDance, the idea of building a skeleton, using the Canvas API and video to allow yourself to dance just as well as those awesome kids that we are all wasting time watching on TikTok.

My name's Jen Looper, you can always find me on Twitter at Jen Looper and I'm a Cloud Advocate Lead at Microsoft. So the agenda today is to talk a little bit about what TikTok is, we're going to talk about PoseNet, we're going to dig a little bit deeper into what is running behind the scenes in PoseNet and how it was built. We're going to talk a little bit about how I built PoseDance and then I'm going to do a demo for you, you're going to love it.

2. Introduction to TikTok

Short description:

TikTok is a popular mobile app that evolved from Musical.ly. It's known for short videos, particularly dances. Despite being a waste of time, it's incredibly fun. Stay tuned for more information and resources about TikTok.

Okay, so what is TikTok? If you're not up to date on what TikTok is, it is the greatest mobile app currently in the market, just to let you know. It's based on Musical.ly, which was a little app that was released a couple years ago to have the kids do music videos and it evolved into TikTok, which is for some, you know, because of this evolution from Musical.ly I feel like it's very amenable to people dancing on this app. It is a complete waste of time, but it is also very, very fun. It's a lot like Vine, which was little short videos, the videos on TikTok are about a minute each, but you can patch a bunch of little videos together to get to that 60 second limit and it's famous for dances and I'm going to share this slide deck later, you can find me on Twitter and I'll share the link out and there's a lot of little articles referenced in these slides that you can take a look at of how I spent a week on TikTok and only lost a week on TikTok. All right.


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