Karol Przystalski
Obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science in 2015 at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. CTO and founder of Codete. Leading and mentoring teams at Codete. Working with Fortune 500 companies on data science projects. Built a research lab for machine learning methods and big data solutions at Codete. Gives speeches and trainings in data science with a focus on applied machine learning in German, Polish, and English. Used to be an O’Reilly trainer.
Codete & Medtransfer, Polandkprzystalski
JavaScript Beats Cancer
JSNation 2022

25 min
JavaScript Beats Cancer

Skin cancer is a serious problem worldwide but luckily treatment in the early stage can lead to recovery. JavaScript together with a machine learning model can help Medical Doctors increase the accuracy in melanoma detection. During the presentation, we show how to use Tensorflow.js, Keras and React Native to build a solution that can recognize skin moles and detect if they are a melanoma or a benign mole. We also show issues that we have faced during development. As a summary, we present the pros and cons of JavaScript used for machine learning projects.