Krystal Campioni
Krystal has been working with development for 12 years. During this time she's had the opportunity to work in a wide range of projects from web and mobile applications to games and virtual reality. Currently, she works as a Senior Frontend Developer on the Insights team at Shopify, creating delightful data viz components. She's also been a tech coach on Rails Girls and presented talks and workshops at events like VueConf, RubyConf, Laracon, and CodeTalks. You can find out more about she's done so far on her website: http://krystalcampioni.com
Sharing is Caring: Reusing Web Data Viz in React Native
React Summit 2022

26 min
Sharing is Caring: Reusing Web Data Viz in React Native

At Shopify, the Insights team creates visualization experiences that delight and inform. We've done a lot of great work prioritizing accessibility and motion design for web. Our mobile experiences though, were a bit of an afterthought, but not anymore! In this talk, we'll go through how we created our data viz components library; How we encapsulated core logic, animation, types and even UI components for web and mobile; and also why keeping things separate sometimes is better - to create awesome UX.
Battle-Tested Techniques for Animation and Data Viz with React
Battle-Tested Techniques for Animation and Data Viz with React

In this talk we will discuss how to combine the power of D3 as a math library with React's rendering capabilities. How can we encapsulate animation for reuse with React functional components? How can we deal with restrictions in data structures to create interesting visualizations? How to approach performance issues when there are multiple animated elements on the screen? These are some of the questions that will be addressed as we dig deeper into techniques applied to real-world examples.