Lukas Holzer
DesignOps — Frontend-Developer and Node.js enthusiast working @Dynatrace with a passion for enhancing design workflows
Automate your stack with GraphQL
React Finland 2021

22 min
Automate your stack with GraphQL

Lukas will demonstrate how you can have your backend GraphQL in sync with your frontend code on a framework agnostic way.
- Having the advantage of autocompletion while writing the GraphQL queries IDE support- Built in type safety through static schemas- Automatic generated frontend code for your framework of choice (React, Vue.js, Angular)- Having everything rebuild through a built in watch mode
- Having the advantage of autocompletion while writing the GraphQL queries IDE support- Built in type safety through static schemas- Automatic generated frontend code for your framework of choice (React, Vue.js, Angular)- Having everything rebuild through a built in watch mode