Nick Hehr
Nick is an empathetic community member, full-stack developer, avid climber and cyclist. He is currently a Senior Developer Advocate at Viam where he helps people build and manage their hardware projects from anywhere in the world. He is an invited expert with TC53 to help shape the future of JS on things. In his free time, he tinkers with home automation and robots built with JavaScript. His mustache is a figment of your imagination.
Becoming a Form Wizard: Intuitive Multi-Step Workflows
React Summit 2022

26 min
Becoming a Form Wizard: Intuitive Multi-Step Workflows

Forms are a core part of many applications and complex actions are often broken up into multiple forms as steps in this workflow. Using React’s Context API and a conventional state machine, we can build a reusable system for building these wizards and make the web a bit more magical.