Pedro Filho
Likes to work closely with UI and UX, and collaborate with product owners/managers to solve business problems.
Write Node like it's 2022
Node Congress 2022

7 min
Write Node like it's 2022

I was seeing some code that was written a few years ago, that was considered the "super clean" and "intuitive", and I realised that the JavaScript that we write today is very different from the one that we used to write just five years ago.
If you've been around for some time, you know the feeling of writing "this = that", and taking days debugging why that variable is set to null. The new node syntax, with esm, new bundlers, faster refreshes. The code was never so easy to write and understand.
You can check the slides for Pedro's talk here.
If you've been around for some time, you know the feeling of writing "this = that", and taking days debugging why that variable is set to null. The new node syntax, with esm, new bundlers, faster refreshes. The code was never so easy to write and understand.
You can check the slides for Pedro's talk here.