Ruth Mesfun
Ruth Mesfun is a Software Engineer at Teachers Pay Teachers. Her team was tasked to de-risk important pages that were dynamically rendered on mobile which they completed in two months.
While learning all about SEO and mobile-first indexing she also is taking a class in beginner Japanese and finished a Financial Coach program.
Improve Your SEO
React Summit 2020

8 min
Improve Your SEO

Google announced that they will fully switch over to crawling and indexing sites using mobile-first indexing March 2021. Now for some companies their mobile site is dynamically rendered which has a high risk of decreased ranking on google once mobile-first indexing is fully implemented.
This presentation will share how to assess what changes needs to be made, best practices to increase SEO for Mobile First Indexing, how to increase performance, and how to turn parts of your site from dynamic rendering to mobile responsive in less than two months.
This presentation will share how to assess what changes needs to be made, best practices to increase SEO for Mobile First Indexing, how to increase performance, and how to turn parts of your site from dynamic rendering to mobile responsive in less than two months.