Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website or web page to increase its visibility in search engines, such as Google and Bing. SEO involves using techniques such as keyword research, content optimization, link building, and more to help websites rank higher in search engine results pages. By optimizing your website for SEO, you can improve its visibility and drive more organic traffic to your site, which can ultimately lead to an increase in sales and revenue.
Let SEO be with You in Your Nuxt App
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
27 min
Let SEO be with You in Your Nuxt App
This Talk provides an introduction to SEO and its importance, covering on-page and off-page SEO. It explains how to optimize a website for search engines by creating a sitemap, using meta tags, and implementing structured data. The Talk also discusses the benefits of using RSS feeds for automated newsletters and social media posts. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of continuous optimization for SEO, including adding useful content, organizing headings, optimizing UX, and staying updated with Core Web Vitals.
Technical SEO & JavaScript
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Technical SEO & JavaScript
Technical SEO is important for making content visible to search engines. Developers have a significant impact on the crawling and indexing process. Hash-based routing can lead to duplicate content issues, and it is recommended to use the History API instead. In 2019, 12% of websites still used fragmented URLs.
Improve Your SEO
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
8 min
Improve Your SEO
We're introducing our new release and livestream, explaining mobile-first indexing and its impact on SEO. Teachers Pay Teachers faced challenges with Google's move to mobile-first indexing, prompting them to optimize their mobile pages. They combined teams, tested performance, increased page speed, fixed structured data issues, and showed hidden content to improve search ranking. To optimize mobile pages for Googlebot, it is important to update mobile content, increase page speed, and test performance and SEO.
How Core Web Vitals Will Affect Google Rankings in 2021
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
31 min
How Core Web Vitals Will Affect Google Rankings in 2021
Lee, a solutions architect at Vercel, introduces Core Web Vitals and their impact on SEO, highlighting the importance of web performance and sharing examples from Amazon and Walmart. He explains the metrics for Core Web Vitals, including Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. Lee discusses strategies to reduce Cumulative Layout Shift, the benefits and challenges of using npm packages in the React ecosystem, and the upcoming Next.js conference. He concludes by inviting listeners to visit his Twitter profile and expressing gratitude for their participation.