Sergii Zhuravel
I'm a Lead Software Engineer. I have a master degree in applied mathematics and more than 10 years of experience in IT. Worked with different back-end and front-end technologies. Now I work with React and Redux, and I like them a lot. I like to share my knowledge, so I conduct programming courses (JavaScript), write articles and participate in different events.
Reusing App State in React Native with Recoil
React Advanced 2021

24 min
Reusing App State in React Native with Recoil

A group of volunteers all over the world is working on React and React Native apps for the ADHD America program (non-for profit organization). In our work we use Recoil - quite a new React state management tool that looks quite promising. I'll show how we use it in both apps - for web and for mobile and explain why we decided to try it.