Stoyan Stefanov
Stoyan has recently joined Etsy as a web performance consultant (formerly at Facebook, WebPageTest and Yahoo!). He has a storied history as an accomplished author, contributor, and custodian of the well-known and respected Planet Performance calendar. He habitually speaks about web development topics at conferences and on his blog at phpied.com (http://phpied.com/). Stoyan is also the creator of the smush.it (http://smush.it/) image optimization tool, YUI contributor and was the architect of Yahoo's performance optimization tool YSlow 2.0.
Your App Crashes My Browser
JSNation US 2024

29 min
Your App Crashes My Browser

Memory leaks in JS are a blind spot for many (I'd guess most) web apps and we need to spread awareness. How to know if your app leaks memory in the wild (reporting API), how to find leaks (memlab by Facebook + my recorder extension) and how to fix them (usually the easiest).