Not so much. And since we're both in the performance space, would memory leaks be more significant, say, on a mobile browser than not? Oh, good one. Good one, yeah, well, I mean, the leak is going to be the leak, but when you have less amount of available memory, the sooner you crash the browser. So, yes. So, generally, having said that much, we should certainly pay even more attention, as you know, the world pretty much is on mobile more than not. That's true, yeah. Have I just inserted myself into your deck now, is that it?
Okay, let's get to some of these questions, because we definitely did get quite a few. And this one right here has been upvoted quite a bit. How can you tell the difference between leaked memory and growing global state? Oh, well, good one. Yeah, well, the growing global state, I guess that's more about how you architecture the app rather than silly little mistakes that make stuff just get lost, and not garbage collected properly. But you don't expect the garbage collector to take your state and wipe it out, right? So, yeah, I think that's more of an architecture kind of thing. Okay. So, yeah, if you know that, yeah, that's kind of a clue. That's going to be probably even easier than hunt for memory leaks is if you just have some sort of timer that looks at your JSON dump of all the state, and just sends beacons every once in a while, and see how the state grows, and if there's a cause for concern. I know at least one company, I don't want to, you know, they'll write probably for the calendar, so it's going to be awesome. But they know the object that they usually leak, so they know what they're supposed to clean up. So they have a custom build thing that runs every once in a while and checks. All of these are expected to be garbage collected. How many of them are not? So, yeah, these are kind of custom thing.
Where the memo app and stuff that I was showing is like, even if you don't know what's happening in the app at all, you just want to find stuff. Okay. Let's get to this question right here. Actually getting back to what I'd mentioned, but, you know, if you want to expand on that. Mark asked, how to check mem leaks on mobile? On mobile. So, yeah, I mean, you can use dev tools to connect to a phone, right? And, well, yeah. Yeah, you can manually inspect it, right? So mem lab is not going to happen in this case because it uses Puppeteer to connect to the Chrome dev tools. But if you want to, yeah, actually, yeah, you can run Puppeteer on some sort of emulation of the website. And if you have access to the developer tools, developer tools protocol, then, yeah, why not? All right. Thank you very much for that question, Mark. Let me see here.