Virginia Diana Todea
Diana is a Site Reliability Engineer at Elastic. She focuses on Observability. Her passions revolve around serverless, machine learning and AI.
Serverless Observability: Where SLOs Meet Transforms
DevOps.js Conf 2024

8 min
Serverless Observability: Where SLOs Meet Transforms

This talk explores the use case of SLOs and transforms whilst migration to the serverless ecosystem. The talk starts by presenting the reasons why SLOs are important in the SRE/DevOps framework. It then analyses specific use cases of SLOs, the tools used for measuring the efficiency of SLOs and presents the main bottlenecks encountered when defining and adhering to SLOs in the process of migrating to a serverless ecosystem, especially when dealing with burn rates and transforms.By the end of the talk, the audience will be able to subscribe to the following takeaways:SLOs are important in a SRE/DevOps framework and there are numerous advantages for implementing them as long as they adhere to a process of continuous improvement.Adopting the right tools and metrics are paramount in the implementation of SLOs.Migrating to serverless adds pressure to the observability system and it is possible that burn rates and transforms will backfire. Our use case will show how it's possible to mitigate these challenges and learn from similar situations.