Yoni Goldberg

Yoni Goldberg

Yoni Goldberg is an independent consultant who works with 500 Fortune corporates and garage startups on polishing their applications. He's the author of a handful of best practices collections on GitHub, with an overall 130,000 stars. More than any other topic he is fascinated by and aims to master the art of testing. In his spare time, he likes to write in his blog and debug production applications using console.log.
Inside the Engine: How Modern JS Test Runners Work and the Traps They Hide
Node Congress 2025Node Congress 2025
Inside the Engine: How Modern JS Test Runners Work and the Traps They Hide
Modern test runners like Vitest and Jest wow us with next-level features. Think in-file concurrency, HMR, embedded Chromium, performance benchmarks - you name it. Yet behind all these goodies lies a labyrinth of runtime mechanics that tunnel deep into the JavaScript runtime. These sweet perks can quickly turn into a pitfall, from subtle mocking glitches to serious performance issues. Understanding these machines is not just a geeky tour into the heart of clever libraries - but also an insightful understanding of the V8 and code inference that will save you hours of head-scratching and help you craft more thoughtful tests. Don't like theoretical talks? Great, this one is for you.