#cypress react
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
TestJS Summit 2023Watch video: Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library

25 min
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library

The Talk discusses the differences between Cypress component testing and React Testing Library (RTL). It highlights the benefits of using Cypress Component Testing, such as easier handling of complex components and a more stable testing experience in CI. The comparison between SignOn and Jest focuses on low-level spying and mocking capabilities. The comparison between Cypress Intercept and Mock Service Worker (MSW) examines their network spy and mocking capabilities. The Talk also emphasizes the superior developer experience and observability provided by Cypress component testing compared to RTL.
CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design
TestJS Summit 2022

25 min
CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design

Cypress component test-driven design can take front-end engineers to the next level by covering TDD examples, component testing, endpoint testing, and recommended best practices. The TDD flow involves starting with failing tests, making them work, and then improving them. Component tests can be written incrementally, using custom wrappers and props. The differences between React Testing Library and Cypress Component Test lie in the API style. Code coverage can be achieved with Cypress component tests, and the Pack.js Cypress Adapter can be used to avoid test duplication between the backend and frontend.