
Richard Moss
Richard Moss
Talk: Working With OpenAI and Prompt Engineering for React Developers
Roy Derks
Roy Derks
Talk: Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript, Building AI Applications for the Web
Shivay Lamba
Shivay Lamba
TensorFlowJS Working Group Lead
Talk: Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
Talk: OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT with Your React Application, OpenAI in React: Integrating GPT-4 with Your React Application
Nathan Marrs
Nathan Marrs
Grafana Labs
Talk: Llms Workshop: What They Are and How to Leverage Them
Haris Rozajac
Haris Rozajac
Grafana Labs
Talk: Llms Workshop: What They Are and How to Leverage Them
Andreia Ocanoaia
Andreia Ocanoaia
Talk: Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data