
Productivity in the context of JavaScript is the ability to create a desired outcome with the least amount of time, effort and resources. It involves finding ways to increase efficiency, such as automating processes, reducing complexity, and simplifying code. By optimizing the development process, developers can create more complex applications faster and with fewer bugs. Productivity also refers to the quality of the output, meaning that the code should be maintainable and extensible.
Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds
Epic React
Talk: Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
John Papa
John Papa
Talk: VS Code Can Do That!
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Talk: How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
Eleftheria Batsou
Eleftheria Batsou
Mentorship available
Talk: When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
Rachel Nabors
Rachel Nabors
DevX consultant
Talk: Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
Tara Z. Manicsic
Tara Z. Manicsic
Talk: Processes for the Process-Averse
Swizec Teller
Swizec Teller
Talk: Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System
Kyle Simpson
Kyle Simpson
Software Engineer, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Talk: Confessions from an Impostor
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Syntax.fm Co-host
Talk: AI and Web Development: Hype or Reality
Anton Kazakov
Anton Kazakov
Mentorship available
Talk: A Quick and Complete Guide to Measuring Your Tech Debt and Using the Results
Senna Parsa
Senna Parsa
Talk: Improving Developer Happiness with AI
Andrzej Fricze
Andrzej Fricze
The HEINEKEN Company
Talk: Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
Chris Ng
Chris Ng
Talk: Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale