#react legacy

Incrementally Adopt Modern React Patterns in a Legacy Codebase
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
130 min
Incrementally Adopt Modern React Patterns in a Legacy Codebase
Richard Moss
Richard Moss
In this workshop, we’ll look at some of the approaches and techniques that can be applied when making refactors or adding new features to a legacy React codebase to bring it inline with the latest approaches. We’ll cover topics such as how to use React Hooks to share component logic in a way that will allow reuse in class components; how to incrementally introduce other patterns to a React Redux app; and how to build in flexible UI components via abstractions where we are tied to some global CSS or a component library. Along the way, we’ll touch on many React patterns and state management approaches with the ultimate aim of being able to evaluate these options and let our requirements drive the architecture in moving towards a more robust and maintainable codebase.