#react monorepo

React at Scale with Nx
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
145 min
React at Scale with Nx
Top Content
Isaac Mann
Isaac Mann
We're going to be using Nx and some its plugins to accelerate the development of this app.
Some of the things you'll learn:- Generating a pristine Nx workspace- Generating frontend React apps and backend APIs inside your workspace, with pre-configured proxies- Creating shared libs for re-using code- Generating new routed components with all the routes pre-configured by Nx and ready to go- How to organize code in a monorepo- Easily move libs around your folder structure- Creating Storybook stories and e2e Cypress tests for your components
Table of contents: - Lab 1 - Generate an empty workspace- Lab 2 - Generate a React app- Lab 3 - Executors- Lab 3.1 - Migrations- Lab 4 - Generate a component lib- Lab 5 - Generate a utility lib- Lab 6 - Generate a route lib- Lab 7 - Add an Express API- Lab 8 - Displaying a full game in the routed game-detail component- Lab 9 - Generate a type lib that the API and frontend can share- Lab 10 - Generate Storybook stories for the shared ui component- Lab 11 - E2E test the shared component
Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX
Welcome to a talk about fast React monorepos with high quality DX. Monorepos allow for collaboration and code sharing between packages, providing a more organized development environment. Leveraging caching and distribution in CI can improve speed and efficiency. NX provides a feature-rich monorepo setup for React, improving developer experience. Monorepo tools like NX console extension and project graph visualization enhance capabilities and enforce code quality.