#react native webassembly
WebAssembly and React: A New Era of High-Performance Web Applications
React Day Berlin 2023Watch video: WebAssembly and React: A New Era of High-Performance Web Applications

14 min
WebAssembly and React: A New Era of High-Performance Web Applications

WebAssembly is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, enabling deployment of code in languages like Go, Rust, or C++ to run in the browser. It allows for efficient image compression algorithms and whole runtimes like Node.js in the browser. WebAssembly provides a capability-based security layer and eliminates the need to worry about server setup. It is already being used by well-known organizations and platforms, and continues to evolve with upcoming features such as a component model, neural network capabilities, garbage collection, and multithreading. WebAssembly modules can be used in React and as a server tool.
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
TypeScript Congress 2023

10 min
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud

Today's Talk discusses running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the cloud using Fermion's WebAssembly runtime. Fermion provides a serverless environment called Spin that allows for easy serverless application development in multiple languages. The process of creating a TypeScript serverless app with Spin involves installing Spin, creating a new app using the HTTP TS template, and testing it on localhost. To deploy the app, the 'spin deploy' command is used, and Fermi on cloud handles routing and makes the app accessible through a public URL.