#react with typescript
React's Most Useful TypesWatch video: React's Most Useful Types
React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
React's Most Useful Types
Top ContentToday's Talk focuses on React's best types and JSX. It covers the types of JSX and React components, including React.fc and React.reactnode. The discussion also explores JSX intrinsic elements and react.component props, highlighting their differences and use cases. The Talk concludes with insights on using React.componentType and passing components, as well as utilizing the react.element ref type for external libraries like React-Select.
TypeScript + React = ❤️
React Summit 2020
30 min
TypeScript + React = ❤️
Welcome to TypeScript plus React equals love. TypeScript features can prevent bugs in React apps. TypeScript gives confidence to remove unused props. TypeScript ensures accurate prop definitions and prevents laziness. TypeScript provides type safety and advanced patterns for better developer experience. TypeScript is a good candidate for projects, especially larger ones.