TC39 is an acronym for Technical Committee 39, a committee within Ecma International (formerly known as the European Computer Manufacturers Association) responsible for the development of the ECMAScript programming language. It consists of representatives from various companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Mozilla and Facebook. The committee works on the specification of the language, including new features, syntax, and other aspects of the language. They also work to ensure that the language remains compatible across browsers and platforms.
Daniel Ehrenberg
Daniel Ehrenberg
Talk: Standardizing Signals in TC39
Hemanth HM
Hemanth HM
Talk: Future Features of JS?!, ES?.next(), Panel Discussion: The Future of JavaScript
Jordan Harband
Jordan Harband
Talk: Panel Discussion: The Future of JavaScript
Maggie Johnson-Pint
Maggie Johnson-Pint
Talk: Panel Discussion: The Future of JavaScript
Rick Button
Rick Button
Talk: Panel Discussion: The Future of JavaScript
Bramus Van Damme
Bramus Van Damme
Talk: ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
 Philip Chimento
Philip Chimento
Igalia, S.L.
Talk: Temporal: Modern Dates and Times in JavaScript