Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js applications. It acts as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. Vuex also integrates with Vue's reactivity system, allowing the store to update components when its state changes.
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Mikhail Kuznetsov
BGB Group
Talk: Managing state in Vue3 application
Maya Shavin
Maya Shavin
Talk: Vuex? No, it’s X(state)Vue for UI
Vanessa Otto
Vanessa Otto
Zavvy GmbH
Talk: Modern State Management with Vue 3
Domagoj Vidovic
Domagoj Vidovic
Tech Wizzdom
Talk: Structuring A Massive Vuex Store
Denny Biasiolli
Denny Biasiolli
Fingerprint Compliance Services
Mentorship available
Talk: Vuex to Pinia. How to Migrate an Existing App