5 Ways to Turn Your Cold Outreach From “Meh” to “Wow!” With AI

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Cold outreach is tougher than ever. Prospects are tuning out cold messages, channels like LinkedIn no longer perform, and buyers’ attention spans are shrinking fast. Five years ago, emails under 200 words got good replies; two years ago, it was 150 words, and today it's under 80 words. People are still open to cold outreach, but it must be concise, on point, and hyper-personalized. Before, there was always a trade-off between “good personalization” or “personalization at scale.” Then AI came along and turned it all upside down. Now, you can serve up hyper-personalization to the masses—just mix a little AI with API, and you've got the perfect recipe.

This talk has been presented at Productivity Conf - Practical AI in Marketing, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


Albato is a no-code integration and automation platform that helps users automate workflows and tedious tasks through API integrations.

Albato is headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal.

Albato has over 80 employees on board.

Albato's services are available to individual users, SMEs, SaaS companies, both B2B and B2C.

Albato offers over 800 out-of-the-box API integrations.

Albato Embedded is Albato's flagship product, specifically geared towards SaaS companies, allowing them to offer a marketplace of white-labeled, ready-to-use integrations.

Albato allows SaaS companies to embed a marketplace of 800+ white-labeled integrations, enabling them for their customers in just a few clicks, thus reducing the need for developing and maintaining integrations in-house.

Albato uses AI to personalize outreach at scale, improving the effectiveness of cold email campaigns through data-driven insights and tailored messaging.

Albato's outreach strategy relies on three fundamental pillars: high-quality prospect lists, impactful data points for prequalification, and personalized killer messages.

With the integration of AI, Albato achieved a reply rate of 6% and an interest rate of 3.5% in their outreach campaigns, showing significant improvement over previous strategies.

Leo Goldfarb
Leo Goldfarb
40 min
05 Dec, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Hey, everybody. I'm Leo Goldfarb, a managing partner at albato.com. We're a no code integration and automation platform with 800+ out of the box API integrations. Our flagship product, albato embedded, is geared towards SaaS companies. Instead of burdening your team with developing integrations, you can embed our white labeled integrations in your SaaS. Our outreach is targeted mainly at B2B SaaS companies. We explore leveraging AI to boost outreach performance. Cold outreach has become increasingly hard, and some techniques that used to work are no longer effective. Let's dive right in and see the positive outcomes of our efforts, thanks to AI in our outreach. Even a reply like this is always better than no reply. We believe in making our messages meaningful and valuable to grab people's attention. There's a never-ending dilemma in cold outreach: personalized outreach or outreach at scale. With the help of AI, we can personalize at scale. Every outreach relies on high-quality prospect lists, impactful data points, and killer messages. The first pillar of outreach is high quality prospect lists. Gathering impactful data points helps prequalify leads. The spearhead of outreach is a killer message. The reply rate for this campaign was around 20%. After implementing AI in outreach, we focused on personalized and on-point messaging. We addressed the problem with integrations via Zapier and emphasized the need for native integrations. We leverage chat GPT to generate personalized messages and specific use cases for sense park customers. The campaign involves extensive personalization, including basic, buyer persona, and dynamic value propositions. We used an outreach dataset filled with AI-generated data points, including company details and integration use cases. We pulled customer reviews from G2 and used AI to identify the most common and critical problems with integrations. Chat GPT is good at determining review sentiment and identifying reviews mentioning integrations. However, it struggles with aggregating data and identifying hidden patterns. Chat TPT is better without setting hard boundaries, allowing it to be creative and provide convincing results. AI is effective at identifying isolated ICP criteria but struggles with complex composite ICPs. We attempted to use LinkedIn social activity as a conversation starter for sales, but the generated messages were off and dubious. To incorporate AI into our cold messages, we feed our prospect list to open AI via API. We train and tweak the language model through iterations until we're satisfied with the outputs. The AI-generated data points are then uploaded to our outreach automation tool, enabling hyper-personalized AI messages. We also offer white label, embeddable integrations for SaaS companies to provide seamless experiences within their platforms.
Video transcription and chapters available for users with access.