Beyond the Buzz: Leveraging AI in Cross-Functional Communication and Collaboration

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Ever feel like you’re drowning in technical jargon, struggling to make sense of what your engineers or data teams are saying? You’re not alone. Decoding complex information from technical teams can be overwhelming, leaving you lost in translation. This talk dives into how you can harness AI to cut through the noise, decode technical jargon, and turn complex information into clear, actionable insights.

I’ll cover specific examples such as:

  • - Using ChatGPT to Simplify Tech-Speak: Learn how to take dense technical discussions and use AI to translate them into clear, actionable summaries for non-technical stakeholders.
  • - Arc’s Built-In LLM for Rapid Insight Extraction: See how this tool helps you quickly distill the most important insights from lengthy web pages or technical documents, saving you time and frustration.
  • - AI- Note-Taking with Reflect: Discover how to streamline knowledge management by using AI to create concise meeting summaries and iterate on key points effortlessly.
  • - Setting Up AI-Driven Chatbots for Routine Inquiries: Explore how to deploy chatbots to handle repetitive queries from partners or stakeholders, freeing you up to focus on strategic tasks.

Get ready for real-world examples, live demos, and actionable advice that will transform how you approach cross-functional communication and collaboration in your organization.

This talk has been presented at Productivity Conference 2024, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.

Miranda Babbitt
Miranda Babbitt
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.