Build Your Own Live Streaming Platform

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In this workshop we will go over the basics of streaming video over the internet including technologies like HLS and WebRTC. We will then build our own React app to play live streams and recordings of live streams.

This workshop has been presented at React Summit Remote Edition 2021, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


HLS works by breaking down video content into small chunks and delivering them over HTTP. This allows for adaptive bitrate streaming, making it easier to handle varying network conditions and ensuring smoother playback.

H.265 is more efficient than H.264, offering better video quality at the same bitrate. However, H.265 requires more computation to encode and decode, which can be a trade-off.

The webinar is designed to guide participants on setting up video streaming using OBS and Mux, incorporating live stream video into projects, and writing code to exercise the platform.

You can secure your video playback by using signed URLs. This involves creating playback IDs with a token parameter, ensuring that only authorized users can access the video content.

You can use HLS.js to enable HLS playback in browsers that do not support it natively. Create a video player component in React, attach the HLS source to a video element, and use a library like Plyr for enhanced controls and UI.

First, create a live stream in the Mux dashboard and copy the stream key. In OBS, go to settings, select Mux as the service, paste the stream key, and click 'Start Streaming.' Your stream should then appear as active in the Mux dashboard.

Common use cases include live streaming concerts, educational lectures, sports events, and weddings. Mux provides scalable, adaptive bitrate streaming suitable for various applications and audience sizes.

You need to download OBS for video streaming and create a Mux account. The link for OBS is provided in the Discord channel.

Adaptive bitrate streaming adjusts the video quality in real-time based on the viewer's internet connection. This ensures continuous playback by lowering the video quality when the connection is slow and increasing it when the connection improves.

Mux simplifies the complexities of video streaming by providing adaptive bitrate streaming, handling video encoding, and offering APIs to create and manage live streams and recordings. It also provides tools for video analytics and quality monitoring.

Dylan Jhaveri
Dylan Jhaveri
138 min
09 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
The Workshop covered various topics related to video streaming and adaptive bitrate. It discussed the importance of video quality and the use of advanced tools in the modern video streaming environment. The role of video codecs and compression in reducing video size was highlighted. The integration of livestream into a React app and the use of HLSJS for video playback were demonstrated. The Workshop also touched on topics such as thumbnail previews, playback security, and the benefits of using MUX assets. Overall, the Workshop provided valuable insights into the world of video streaming and engineering.
Video transcription and chapters available for users with access.

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