So, it's really important to take some time to pay some attention to this, right? Something simple. But what people know about you is you should build connections. And all this, building bridges in open source goes back to connections. We use the word networking a lot. But I want this to be more a little beyond networking, right? Networking usually don't get, you know, the people to say, hey, Pachi did the operations. But it's good to give it to people mature to get to know you better.
Like, really have that feeling that, I know the person, even though, if you're not best friends. Like, most of my jobs, all my jobs in tech, I found them because of somebody that knew me. And some of the job companies say, hey, Pachi would be good for this. And some of these people, they didn't know me very well. But they had an idea of the expertise I had, what I was like. And they were confident enough to reshare me for the jobs. Now, we have a nice profile. We know how we're gonna learn. And why are we there, right?
We talk about how open source can get you better skills, you can connect with people. But the part that I think is most important is really, you can use the open source to advance in your careers. Like, you can open doors if you strategically choose the projects you're gonna, if you just want to get some skills, you can reach to a new project. But if you have a dream project that you would love to work on, or something similar to that, you just really like this framework of this project. If you contribute to that, you can make a mark on the project that you use and like. Right?
I can mention this can get you job offers, freelance opportunities. And it's very common to get speaking Asian, right, because you're building that, how did you build X project with open source? Or which skills did you use? It's really common that people that build open source like to talk about that, how they did that. It's a great learning opportunity and you can also teach people. And that's really cool. And in the job market today, there's so many great developers. And sometimes the fact that you have a little thing extra that other people don't have, you can be a game changer, right? Like, if you're a developer and, you know, you are a React developer. And you have a really great talk that you gave at React. And the recruiter, they have two people, awesome people. But maybe your talk wouldn't be the extra thing that makes a difference, right? It's really competitive in developer markets nowadays. So whatever you can do to stand out a little more. It's really helpful.