Building Scalable Multi-Tenant Applications With Next.js

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In today’s digital landscape, multi-tenancy has become a critical architecture for SaaS platforms, marketplaces, and enterprise solutions. Next.js has continuously evolved, making it an increasingly popular choice for building full-stack applications.
With each iteration, it has become even easier to develop scalable multi-tenant applications. Let’s talk about why multi-tenancy is vital, and how Next.js features such as dynamic routing, enhanced middleware, and edge functions simplify the process of building and scaling multi-tenant applications. We will talk about best practices, discuss real-world scenarios, and see a few examples in action. Join to see how you can leverage Next.js to create secure, performant, and scalable multi-tenant applications.

This talk has been presented at React Summit US 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Chakit Arora
Chakit Arora
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.