Leading With Passion & Balance

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The main challenge discussed is finding the balance between driving success and maintaining personal well-being to avoid burnout.

Leaders can avoid burnout by prioritizing self-care, delegating tasks, and fostering teamwork and collaboration.

The prioritization framework categorizes tasks into three types: glass threads, beads threads, and rubber threads, each requiring different levels of attention and delegation.

Glass threads are critical tasks that need to be kept close and attended to immediately, as neglecting them can have significant negative impacts.

Beads threads are important tasks that can fall off the leader's attention but are hard to pick up again. They should be managed through collaboration.

Leaders should handle beads threads by forming collaborative teams, defining roles and responsibilities, and ensuring shared ownership of the tasks.

Rubber threads are tasks that are important but can be delegated or followed up on later as they have a low risk of impact if neglected temporarily.

Examples of rubber threads include recruitment and hiring processes, project updates, stand-ups, sprint planning, and training programs.

Delegating tasks is important for preventing burnout, empowering team members, and allowing leaders to focus on high-priority tasks, thus making them more effective.

Examples of glass threads include critical project deadlines, crisis management, and key client relationship management.

Naz Delam
Naz Delam
21 min
15 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
In this Talk about finding balance in leadership, the speaker discusses the importance of prioritizing self-care and delegating tasks. They introduce the concept of glass threads as high priority tasks that require close attention and provide examples of how to manage them effectively. The speaker also emphasizes the value of collaborative task management and execution, as well as the benefits of delegating tasks to empower team members and promote their growth. Overall, the Talk highlights the need for leaders to find a balance between their own well-being and the success of their team.
Available in Español: Liderando con Pasión y Equilibrio

1. Finding Balance in Leadership

Short description:

In the fast-paced world of leadership, it can be challenging to find the balance between success and personal well-being. Effective leadership involves inspiring others while prioritizing self-care. In this talk, I'll share a prioritization framework to help you delegate tasks and bring others on board. We often face overwhelming pressure, but as leaders, we don't have to do everything ourselves. Let's redefine leadership as a teamwork approach. I'll discuss different types of work and how to manage them effectively, starting with glass threads that require close attention.

In the fast pace and demanding world of leadership, finding the delicate balance between driving success and maintaining personal well-being can be a daunting task. The pressure we have every day to achieve goals and move fast and deliver results sometimes can move us out of our way and lead to burnouts.

However, effective leadership is not about pushing ourselves to the brink but also about inspiring, empowering, and motivating others. In the meantime, as leaders, we have to preserve our own health and mental well-being. So how do we do that? How do we foster an environment of growth and achievement and moving fast while prioritizing our self-care as sustainable success? How do we view so effective but at the same time we will prioritize our mental health and not get to the edge of burnout?

In this talk, I am going to explore a prioritization framework that I used myself as an analogy for many years that I am going to share with all of you to help you prioritize your tasks and identify what you can delegate, what you have to hold close, and what you have to bring other people on to. I know we are all ambitious and with ambition, which is essential for driving our progress, we set unrealistic goals and some expectations that can lead to overwhelming pressure, both for us and for our teams. So leaders are often bombarded with so many things.

I can look at it as like a needle and a thread. The needle is me and my time and all these threads are threads of work coming my way. I may have to interview a candidate today and I have a project which has a really really critical deadline coming in and I have to put together a timeline document for all of our execution and there is a meeting with a partner team that I have to identify a dependency and I have to run a kickoff for another project which is coming in next quarter. And there is a situation on the team with a team member. Oh my god, I just got a request from a team member, H1B visa request. There are so many things around us.

Whether you are a manager or a tech lead engineer, there are so many things that you have to do on a daily basis and we have to constantly context switch. And I realize a lot of times that I spread myself too thin. I go above and beyond and I try to do everything myself. And this talk is about that. It's about the part of do everything yourself and we want to redefine that because as a leader you do not have to do everything yourself. Leadership is not a self and individual work, it's actually a teamwork and we're going to realize in this talk how do we do that. What I'm going to give you in this talk, I'm going to all talk about threads or you just see in the previous slide, these threads of work that are coming and I'm going to give them three materials. So all of these things coming my way on daily basis, all of these threads, in my mind, they're made of three materials. Some of them are made of glass and we call them glass threads. Some of them are going to be made of beads, so they're threads with little beads in them. And some of them are made of rubber. And based on what are they made of, I will make different priorities and I will identify how do I manage my work based on what are they made of. So let's take a look at those. I'm going to talk about glass threads. Glass threads are work coming your way. It means keep it close, attend to it. As a leader, I need to pay very close attention to these threads.

2. Managing Glass Threads

Short description:

These threads, like projects with tight deadlines and critical tasks, require our ultimate attention and careful management. We'll go through examples of glass threads and discuss how to handle each scenario. Glass threads are our highest priorities that we don't delegate. They're time-sensitive, so we need to set clear expectations, milestones, and deadlines. Regularly review progress, ensure everyone understands the criticality, and be proactive in addressing blockers. Another example is crisis management and production issues, which always require our immediate attention and can impact our metrics.

It is important for me. These threads could be that project that's coming with a very tight deadlines. Those are usually the critical tasks, like if I mislead them or if I mishandle or neglect those type of tasks, my team and organization is going to get impacted. They're very fragile like glass. They demand my ultimate attention and careful management.

These are the things that you have to be on top of. As a technical lead, that project that is so important, you need to be on top of it. That security bridge that just reached a company and everyone is talking about it. You need to be on top of it. I'm going to walk you through multiple examples of these glass threads and we're going to go over how do we handle each scenario together.

Let's talk about that project, right? The company has this launch, which is very major. We all have it and it's within a next quarter. It's very critical. The market needed. Everyone is looking at this feature. This is a glass thread. As a leader and technical lead, you need to be on top of it and hold it close. What we do with glass threads is these are our highest priorities. These are the things we do not delegate and we will keep close to ourselves.

Why this is a glass thread? It's time sensitive. If you miss it, then it's going to be a huge impact. For this, make sure you set clear expectations, milestones, and deadlines. Make sure you're checking regular review progress with your team, ensuring everyone understands why is it critical and everyone is on board on the mission. And ensure you're very proactive and quickly addressing any blockers coming your way. This is a glass thread on your mind and on your day to day work.

Another example, crisis management, production issues. As technical leads or technical people, we know there is always something. There's one crisis. Production is down. You put a PR down, bring down part of the system, and something is malfunctioning somewhere and it has a huge impact in our metrics.

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