So as you can see, there are quite a lot of possibilities that are offered with AWS Toolkit to really rationalize what you are building in your serverless workloads in AWS, but moreover, also the possibility to, let's say, have fast feedback loop as a developer for what you need to build.
Now, the last thing that I want to show you is Amazon Q. So let's go back for a second inside our code. Let's, for instance, take this. So Amazon Q allows you to ask questions on a specific part of your code and then help you to understand what could be done better.
I'll just give an example. I created this, let's say, query to insert a bunch of stadiums into the database. So now I want to ask Amazon Q, do you know a more performant way to insert these records in Postgres? Now, he's thinking, and again, he's in preview, so it's not generally available yet, but just to give you an idea of the flavor of the things that you can find.
So, as you can see, with Q, I can start to create a sort of relation and an assistant that helps me to figure out how to do certain things, and this is, in my opinion, pretty great.
So, as you can see also with Amazon Q, we are adding new capabilities on your IDE in order to simplify the work that you need to do. We want to create a great developer experience for people like you that are building solutions using serverless but not only. Obviously, Amazon Q can be used not only for serverless. The beauty of this approach is that, as you can see, you have a bunch of tools that are already available on your IDE. You just need to install the right plugins and off you go.
So, I hope that you enjoy what you have seen, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach me out here in the conference or even remotely on my socials. So, thank you very much and enjoy the rest of your day.