
Gatsby is a modern web framework based on React and GraphQL. It helps developers to create fast websites with minimal effort. Gatsby provides an easy-to-use API that allows developers to quickly create high-performance websites with features like server-side rendering, routing, code splitting, and more. With Gatsby, developers can build SEO-friendly, dynamic websites with the power of React and GraphQL.
Gatsby v4's New Rendering Modes
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
24 min
Gatsby v4's New Rendering Modes
Gatsby V4 introduces deferred static generation (DSG), combining the benefits of static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR). This approach allows for faster builds and a more deterministic cache. Gatsby V4 also includes features such as parallel query running and LMDB for enhanced performance. The focus is on integrations and improving the developer experience (DX) in the future.
Theming Gatsby Apps with Theme UI
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
6 min
Theming Gatsby Apps with Theme UI
Welcome to Theming Gatsby apps with Theme UI. Gatsby is a React-based framework for building static websites and applications. Theme UI is a styling library that allows developers to configure designs for components using predefined values. In Theme UI, you can easily refer to your theme object throughout your project. Variants allow you to define styles for common components like buttons.