How to Prepare For Your Negotiations With the Help of ChatGPT

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In Soft Skills Lab we're using prompts in our consulting cases a lot. This might be an interesting experience for the users since we'll share our proprietary framework for negotiation preparation as well as some hacks on how to use ChatGPT in this scenario. Negotiations they can prepare for can be a case very familiar to them, like negotiating their salary/bonus or making changes in their department and asking funding for that; negotiating with a client on a scope of a project (not necessarily the price) or persuading a team member to take on some new responsibilities.

At the workshop, you will: 

- learn a systematic approach on how to use ChatGPT with different kinds of frameworks

- try out a new way to prepare for negotiation preparation with our proprietary framework

This workshop has been presented at Productivity Conf - Practical AI in Marketing, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


Yes, negotiations occur in many everyday situations, such as discussions with partners at home or between parents and children. Understanding negotiation techniques can be beneficial in both personal and professional interactions.

Cultural differences can affect values and communication styles, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts. Recognizing these differences is crucial for effective negotiation and relationship building.

A structured framework helps in systematically analyzing the situation, identifying key issues, setting goals, and preparing effectively, leading to more successful negotiation outcomes.

While ChatGPT can suggest potential solutions, it is often more effective to discuss and develop solutions collaboratively with the other party during the negotiation process.

Manipulative goals might include establishing authority, controlling resources, or undermining the other party. It's important to identify these to prepare strategies to counter them.

Key steps include describing the situation to ChatGPT, analyzing potential problems, understanding both parties' goals and motivations, and preparing for possible refusal to negotiate or escalation.

Understanding both parties' motivations helps in creating mutually beneficial solutions and ensures a successful negotiation by aligning goals and addressing potential conflicts.

ChatGPT can categorize problems into different layers such as processes, financial, legal, ethical, and emotional, helping to identify root causes and critical issues that need to be addressed.

If the other party refuses to negotiate, consider potential consequences, document the situation, and prepare for escalation by involving leadership or a mediator if necessary.

ChatGPT can help by providing a structured framework for negotiation preparation, analyzing problems, suggesting goals, and identifying motivations. It can also help simulate negotiation scenarios to better prepare you for real-life discussions.

Alexandra Klimenko
Alexandra Klimenko
63 min
11 Dec, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's workshop focused on how ChatGPT can assist with negotiation preparation. Soft Skills Labs has developed a framework to help prepare for negotiations, emphasizing the importance of preparation even for seemingly unimportant negotiations. The workshop discussed a case study involving a student who declined a promotion but later wanted it, leading to a new manager being hired. The importance of considering other perspectives, layers, and ethical and cultural differences in negotiations was highlighted. Topics for negotiation were discussed, including decision-making authority, resource allocation, and legal considerations. Understanding root problems, setting goals, and finding common ground were emphasized. The workshop also touched on the importance of understanding motivations, refusing and dealing with consequences, and preparing for difficult conversations. Effective communication with ChatGPT was also highlighted.

1. Introduction to Negotiation Preparation

Short description:

Today we will understand how ChatGPT can help you prepare for negotiations. Negotiations are not limited to salespeople; they occur in everyday life. I will share examples and introduce myself as the founder and CEO of my own company focused on teaching and researching communication. We use technology such as chatbots and simulators to enhance communication skills.

Okay, so guys, today we are here to understand how ChatGPT can help you to prepare for your negotiations and to talk about the negotiations, I would firstly argue that a lot of conversations you have in your everyday life, even if you're not, for example, a salesperson negotiating with a client, there's still a lot of negotiations in your everyday life. And here I will give you a couple of examples in my speech, and maybe along the way you will find other examples in your own life, in your own work, also life, also there might be negotiations between partners at home and children and parents and stuff like that.

So I'm not sure that inside your home this same framework would be applicable, although I've seen cases where people reported to me that this is the case, like they did it, they used it for home negotiations. So first let's maybe get acquainted a little bit, my name is Alexandra Klimenko and I'm founder and CEO of my own company. And before that, I had experience leading IT teams in various companies, like it was startups, some of which are still alive today, and it was corporate giants, I worked for consulting, I worked for a bank, a huge bank, and some other digital companies. And I transitioned a lot of roles from analyst to product manager, product owner, and now I am a founder and CEO of my own company where we are focused on teaching and researching communication, like the field of communication for management, for transactions, for negotiations, whether you are a leader, a manager of department, an account manager, or just a specialist who wants to be as effective as possible in their work regarding other people, like we communicate a lot in various tasks we have. And we are an IT company, so we use various technologies that are helpful to us, so for example we create bots, chatbots, we create simulators to help you resolve conflicts and to teach you emotional intelligence, how to listen properly, and stuff like that. And if you want to follow along for our journey, you can go to my LinkedIn now, and maybe I'll show you the same slide later, for now just to pick your interest.

So I already see someone posted something, yeah, a link to the chat. I'll do that later, yes, thank you for offering that, that's a good suggestion, I'll do that later, definitely. So for now, oh, here's a little bit, look, very quick about my company, because as you can see, I'm very proud that I became a CEO, and the founder, and an owner, and we are already about nine, and there will be 10th year of existing in the market. We have a number of clients, and like over, I think over 100 companies now, this is a little outdated, and you can see some of our clients and people working in these companies are also our clients, so both the companies and people working there, people who are coached by us, who come to us with their cases for consultation, for teaching teachable moments, for advice, and stuff like that. So I do have some credentials of what I talk about, I hope that's established, so let's dive in.

2. Importance of Preparation

Short description:

Preparation is a significant factor in negotiation success. It is essential to prepare even for unimportant negotiations. Soft Skills Labs has developed a proprietary framework to help you prepare for negotiation. Have you tried preparing for negotiations with ChargeBT? The first step is to describe the situation and ask ChargeBT to retell it.

From the name of our workshop, I think we all here share the understanding that in negotiation, preparation is 90% of success, 80% of success, at least a big amount of success in your negotiation. It doesn't account for a full 100% success of your goal, but it is a lot.

And my question, like the first, I'm going to keep it simple guys, so if you want to be involved more, you can be, but I'm going to keep it simple. Drop a plus, like plus, minus, right? It's quite easy. If you prepare for your negotiations, like if you have some kind of a framework, or at least some, like if you take a note in your like digital or a blank piece of paper, or if you do something, when you know the negotiations are coming your way, and you want to prepare, like if you take five minutes, 15 minutes, 500 hours, doesn't matter. I just want to know if you prepared before.

Oh, thank you so much, Louie, for the link, and I see that at least one person, I think that's Karina, have prepared for her negotiations, and I'm interested in what others have to say. Does it mean, guys, that you never prepared for your negotiations before? Are you like coming in as a horse, like as a knight, sorry, on a horse and thinking that you can do everything, like I prepare for important ones? Yeah, that makes sense. So we'll take much more time to prepare for important ones, and maybe we don't even consider, like we don't prioritize the unimportant ones. I will try to give you some advice on how to do preparation for a short period of time, like even if you have five minutes, and even if you know that it might be not very important, but five minute preparation is better than no, no, zero preparation. The only case where I understand that preparation is not an issue is when you have negotiations that are like the same, like every day you have the same thing, the same thing, the same issue, and you already know all the various ways how it can be handled, and preparing is just like going over and over the same stuff in your head, which is already in your head. So it definitely doesn't make sense. But if there are various things that you want to prepare for, like you would like to have an outcome that is better than average, definitely we're here to see how it can be done.

And so the first thing, and I'm going to show this like as I told you, I'm first gonna share with you a proprietary framework that we developed in Soft Skills Labs to help you prepare for negotiation, and how we tailor this framework, how we use it in ChargeBT. Actually, have you ever tried, maybe some of you, to prepare for your negotiations with ChargeBT? This is also a question I wanted to ask, so if someone has any experience that would be interesting to hear, like at least yes or no. While you think back and remember, I wanted to share with you the first step of negotiation with ChargeBT, preparation for negotiation with ChargeBT. So this is actually what we do with our students, and what our students do for their sole preparation. First, we just go in and describe the situation like we see it. A note is that there are various versions of ChargeBT, and one work better than others, some work better than others, and that's okay. In any case, since ChargeBT is just a tool and you are the brains, I always suggest you reiterate, you ask them follow-up questions, and you ask them to show you how they came to this result. So the first way is not going there and asking ChargeBT like here's the situation, I wanna have a good outcome in negotiations, how do I do that? If you do that, that's not gonna give you a very specific answer, even though sometimes if you have not a lot of time, even this can help you to see the situation with various angles. So the first thing would be to describe the situation, as short, as brief, and even if English is not your first language, you can do it in your own language, even if you lack, let's say, storytelling talent and you're afraid of not being very sophisticated and specific, so just drop it there like a draft and ask ChargeBT to retell you. And you say I need to prepare for negotiations with said person, here's the context, your context, and retell the situation how I understand it. And I'm gonna show you how this goes with the case that I already prepared with my student, so there's not gonna be much of surprises, but if you ask some questions, we're definitely gonna spin it into different directions. And if you ask some other case, like if you have some case you want to share, we can switch to that. First, what we do, this is the case that I had from my student, and this is how he described it to me, and just let me go and try to, this is something I did not think of in advance, so let me find this text and put it into ChargeBT. So yeah, I see it now. So here's the first step I'm just gonna show you, so here's how it looks like. I'll tell ChargeBT that I need to prepare for negotiations with my manager, and here's the context. I'm gonna quickly retell you the situation.