Hi, everyone. I'm Ko Brendon Vee, the lead developer in standard TypeScript. Today, I'll talk about selling NPN packages and React libraries in a marketplace, earning money, building UI libraries, using the marketplace dashboard, and getting paid. You can sell your packages privately on Privs.js. Think of cool UI libraries like a carousel or photo screen capture. Provide good documentation, install instructions, and support. To publish, modify package json, add a published config, login to Pre-gesture, and NPM publish to Pref.js.
Hi, everyone. My name is Ko Brendon Vee. I'm the lead developer in standard TypeScript. And today, I'll be talking about introduction to a library marketplace.
So, what is this all about? So, it's about selling your NPN packages or React libraries into a marketplace and how you can earn money. So, here are the topics that I'm going to talk about. NPN package. Marketplace. Building a UI libraries sample to sell in the marketplace and also the marketplace dashboard on how to use it, how to visualize your earnings and how to set an amount into your React library packages. And also, the last part is of course how to get paid. Yeah. And if you have some questions at the end of the slide, you can ask me some questions. Okay. So, let's start.
NPM package marketplace. Have you ever wanted to earn money selling those very cool stuff of your NPM packages that you have created? Making living off your open source work and provide some premium feature to your open source project. You can also sell your quotes as NPM packages. And the good thing is you have full access control of your packages and you can also deploy it privately or at private scope.
So first thing what you need to do is you need to think of your library where people love to use it. Of course you can also have good documentation on how to use your libraries and after that you can just publish it as a private package to the marketplace. So the marketplace that we're going to use is Privs.js and I will be also sharing on how you can or how the user can install your package. So think of your React libraries that you're going to sell. For example you have a carousel or you have a photo screen capture or some photo libraries that you can upload to probably some passport. So things like a cool UI library that you want to sell.
Next thing is, you need to have a good documentation on how to use your library, how to install it and also how to get support. So next, you need to prepare how to publish your private package to marketplace. So the configuration is quite simple, so it's just three steps. First, you need to modify your package json, and add a published config with the registry point to the pre-gesture URL. Second is open your terminal, and login to pre-gesture, your username and password. And then after that, you can just NPM publish and it will publish to Pref.js.