Level Up Your Content with AI: A 20-Minute Crash Course

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What you'll learn:

  • Discover how AI can make you a content marketing rockstar. Learn how AI tools can help you research your audience and create high-performing content in a fraction of the time.
  • See AI content creation in action. I will share how to use AI to create compelling derivative content targeted at your core audiences.
  • Explore the possibilities: AI for every content need. AI isn't just one thing! We'll look at how to apply it to short-form content, long-form content, video, audio, and more.

Why this topic matters:

To stay competitive and relevant, today’s marketers must embrace AI and elevate their skill sets. Join this Lightning Session to gain the insights you need to become an AI-powered content marketer—boosting your creativity, efficiency, and impact.

This talk has been presented at Productivity Conf - Practical AI in Marketing, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


AI levels the playing field by increasing performance for all marketers, with the lowest performers seeing a 43% increase and the highest performers seeing a 17% increase.

The MIT study found that people perceived AI-created marketing content as higher quality compared to human-created content, until they were informed of its origin, which then influenced their opinions.

According to a Microsoft study, 66% of leaders prefer hiring candidates with AI skills, even if they have less experience, due to the transformative impact of AI on jobs.

AI helps marketers complete more tasks faster and with higher quality, as demonstrated by a study showing a 12% increase in task completion, 25% faster execution, and 40% higher quality rating compared to non-AI users.

The PROMPT framework involves defining the Persona, Request, Outcome, Market, Process, and Template to guide AI in creating effective content.

Custom AI models are personalized AI tools tailored for specific tasks, such as writing in a particular style or targeting a specific audience. They provide more personalized and effective content compared to general-purpose AI chatbots.

AI can assist in creating various types of content including blogs, eBooks, social posts, infographics, songs, and nurture email call scripts.

Natalie Lambert offers an 8-hour training program to help individuals build GPTs based on their voice, enhancing their ability to create personalized AI-driven content.

Natalie Lambert is a tech industry professional with experience in AI, having started her foray into AI at Google. She helps marketing teams use AI technologies to improve their impact.

 Natalie Lambert
Natalie Lambert
23 min
05 Dec, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Hi, and thank you for joining me today to learn about using AI to level up your marketing content. AI is important to marketers because it helps us do more. It benefits both low and high-performing marketers, leveling the playing field and boosting performance. Prompting effectively is crucial for creating quality content. Custom AI models can enhance content beyond commercial chat bots. To create good content with AI, follow the prompt framework and use specific prompts that follow best practices. Personalize content with GPTs by creating a marketing leader persona and training GPTs with specific instructions. AI can play a role in creating various types of content. These tools are changing our job and leaders prioritize hiring people with AI skills.

1. Introduction

Short description:

Hi, and thank you for joining me today to learn about using AI to level up your marketing content. I'm Natalie Lambert, and I've spent years exploring the best use cases and technologies to help marketers improve their impact. Now, I'm here to share a crash course on how you can elevate your content using AI. Let's dive in!

Hi, and thank you all for coming to this session today around leveling up your content. I'm going to give you a 20 minute crash course on ways that you should be thinking about using AI to create all of the great marketing content out there.

By way of quick background, my name is Natalie Lambert. I have been in the tech industry for many years. However, my foray into AI actually started at Google about two years ago. I was responsible for working across all of marketing to find the best use cases and technologies that would help marketers truly improve their impact. So did that, had a great time, played with about 80 to 100 different technologies, a huge number of use cases, and actually decided to start my own business where I helped marketing teams and marketers like yourselves truly learn how to use these technologies to do more. This presentation is a summary of the things that I've learned to truly elevate your content. So let's get started.

2. The Importance of AI for Marketers

Short description:

AI is important to marketers because it helps us do more. A study found that marketers using AI completed 12% more tasks, 25% faster, and at a 40% higher quality rating than non-AI users. It also benefits both low and high-performing marketers, leveling the playing field and boosting performance. Another study showed that people perceived content created by AI as higher quality than content created by humans. When using AI, not only do you gain productivity, but your output can be better and well-received by your audience. Let's explore how you can leverage AI to create better content.

I do want to start here. It's probably my background as an analyst for many years, but you can't start any presentation without some data. I want to just start with why AI is so important to marketers right now. And it really comes down to how it can truly help us do more.

This shouldn't be surprising, but this was actually based on an HBR study that came out last year, and it looked at consultants performing marketing tasks and how they were able to complete their work compared to their non-AI using counterparts. And what this study found is that of the consultants who were using AI for marketing related activities, they found that these folks were able to complete 12% more tasks than the non-AI using folks. They were able to complete these tasks 25% faster than their non-AI using counterparts, and they were able to do it at a 40% higher quality rating. And so just the use of these technologies has truly helped marketers across the wide variety of tasks that we complete on a daily basis, do more kind of with less time, which is, you know, something we're always looking for.

Now, one of the questions I often get is, does this help everyone the same? Is it helping, you know, certain folks more? And they looked at that as well. So this same study looked at across the folks who were using AI, who was most impacted by it? And they found that the lowest performers within the group were able to see a 43% increase in their performance, where the highest performing folks were able to see a 17%. So this technology not only levels the playing field, so it makes everybody a better marketer within their organization, but it also helps both sets and gives those highest performers a boost as well. So it is great to see how these technologies can truly make us all better.

Now, finally, the last question I get beyond performance and beyond productivity is, okay, I can use these technologies and do things better and faster. But how about the things I create? Are they as good when AI helps me? And MIT did a study on just that. What they looked at was very specifically marketing content. And they looked at people's perception of the quality of the content that they were reading. And the content that these 1,008 people were told to evaluate was created in four different ways. On one end of the spectrum, AI created that marketing copy soup to nuts. On the other end of the spectrum, a human created it from beginning to end. And then in the middle, you have AI made all the final decisions, but a human helped in the brainstorming. And that third category being that a human made all the final decisions on the copy and AI helped with the brainstorming. What they found after doing the blind study is that people thought the content created by AI was of higher quality than the ones created by humans. And it wasn't until they actually told the people working on this study that a human created a certain set of content versus the others that folks actually changed their answer to give more weight to the content that had human involvement. So this is all to say is that when using these technologies, not only will you get productivity gains as we talked about, your output can be better and be more well-received by your audience if you do it well. And that's what I want to talk to you about today is how you can leverage AI to truly get to good faster than you were able to do on your own. And so there's a few ways to do this. I'm sure everyone has played around with prompting and have seen different frameworks. This one is the one that I truly stand by, and I tried to make it really easy to remember. It spells the word prompt. But these are the aspects that should be in your prompt when you are trying to create content.