November 3 - 4, 2020
GraphQL Galaxy

GraphQL Galaxy 2020

The biggest GraphQL conference in the cloud

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este Tech Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Modelado de Bases de Datos Relacionales para GraphQL
106 min
Modelado de Bases de Datos Relacionales para GraphQL
Top Content
Adron Hall
Adron Hall
En esta masterclass profundizaremos en el modelado de datos. Comenzaremos con una discusión sobre varios tipos de bases de datos y cómo se mapean a GraphQL. Una vez que se haya establecido esa base, el enfoque se desplazará a tipos específicos de bases de datos y cómo construir modelos de datos que funcionen mejor para GraphQL en varios escenarios.
Índice de contenidosParte 1 - Hora 1      a. Modelado de Datos de Bases de Datos Relacionales      b. Comparando Bases de Datos Relacionales y NoSQL      c. GraphQL con la Base de Datos en menteParte 2 - Hora 2      a. Diseño de Modelos de Datos Relacionales      b. Relación, Construcción de Tablas Multijoin      c. Complejidades de Consulta de Modelado de Datos Relacionales y GraphQL
Prerrequisitos      a. Herramienta de modelado de datos. El formador utilizará dbdiagram      b. Postgres, aunque no es necesario instalar esto localmente, ya que estaré utilizando una imagen de Dicker de Postgres, de Docker Hub para todos los ejemplos      c. Hasura
¿Pero puede tu cliente GraphQL hacer esto? - Una inmersión profunda en urql
37 min
¿Pero puede tu cliente GraphQL hacer esto? - Una inmersión profunda en urql
Urql is a GraphQL client for React, React Native, and other frameworks, with first-party support for Next.js, Preact, Svelte, and Vue. It offers flexibility and extensibility through exchanges, including dedupe, cache, and fetch exchanges. Caching, retrying, and authentication are also supported. Urql uses document caching by default but offers a graph cache for normalized caching. It has a small bundle size and a responsive community for support and collaboration.
De un servidor Apollo completamente funcional a GraphQL Mesh sin código con la misma funcionalidad
167 min
De un servidor Apollo completamente funcional a GraphQL Mesh sin código con la misma funcionalidad
Uri Goldshtein
Uri Goldshtein
En este masterclass, comenzaremos con un servidor Apollo completamente funcional, que llama a múltiples fuentes de datos. Gradualmente introduciremos GraphQL Mesh en ese código, viendo todos los diferentes beneficios. En cada commit, agregaremos seguridad de tipos y eliminaremos código manual hasta el último commit, donde eliminaremos todo el código manual y nos quedaremos solo con una configuración simple. De esta manera, aprenderás sobre todas las diferentes formas en las que podrías usar GraphQL Mesh y decidir dónde y cómo puede servirte mejor en tus aplicaciones existentes.
GraphQL en cualquier lugar - Nuestro viaje con GraphQL Mesh y Schema Stitching
34 min
GraphQL en cualquier lugar - Nuestro viaje con GraphQL Mesh y Schema Stitching
The Guild has developed various tools for GraphQL, including the GraphQL Code Generator, GraphQL Inspector, GraphQL Modules, GraphQL Tools, and GraphQL Mesh. They have joined the GraphQL Foundation and migrated GraphQLJS to TypeScript. Exciting developments in the GraphQL community include new libraries and directives, such as the GraphQL Web Socket library and the stream and defer directives. GraphQL Mesh allows for converting and merging various sources into GraphQL, providing a distributed solution. The GraphQL Hive registry allows for centralized management of schemas. The talk emphasizes a distributed and gradual approach to adopting GraphQL and the option to choose between schema stitching and Apollo Federation.
Observabilidad en GraphQL
8 min
Observabilidad en GraphQL
This Talk discusses how to tool Apollo server with open tracing for observability. OpenTracing is a vendor-agnostic format that works well with distributed systems in microservices. It allows for converting GraphQL tracing data to a vendor-agnostic format and enriching information from GraphQL servers. If providers support OpenTracing, it can be easily integrated.
Construye tus APIs de GraphQL más rápido con Nexus Schema
25 min
Construye tus APIs de GraphQL más rápido con Nexus Schema
This Talk discusses the benefits of a code-first approach to building GraphQL APIs using Nexus Schema. It explores how the code-first approach simplifies the development process by allowing the GraphQL schema to be defined in code, providing flexibility and easy modularization. The integration of a real database with Prisma is demonstrated, showcasing the type-safe way to access the database and generate schema definition language and types as artifacts. The Talk also highlights the maturity and growth of GraphQL as a technology and the excitement it brings to the developer community.
Lista de deseos de GraphQL 2021: Las principales oportunidades y desafíos de GraphQL para 2021
35 min
Lista de deseos de GraphQL 2021: Las principales oportunidades y desafíos de GraphQL para 2021
GraphQL has not yet reached mainstream adoption and there are still inflection points to cross. Fragments in GraphQL clients need improvement, and non-GraphQL approaches like SWR and Vulkane offer alternatives for automating data fetching. GraphQL clients beyond UI frameworks present challenges, but tools like the GraphQL code generator and Juke offer solutions. Using GraphQL as an intermediate representation and bridging the gap between GraphQL and REST are appealing concepts. Joining graphs and data in different use cases is a challenge, but solutions like a common GraphQL model or programmable API gateway are emerging. Unifying the entire API ecosystem may not be necessary in large enterprises, focusing on specific API endpoints can be more beneficial.
La próxima generación de GraphQL y TypeScript
22 min
La próxima generación de GraphQL y TypeScript
The CTO of the Guild discusses the importance of keeping the GraphQL schema and TypeScript code in sync. They introduce GraphQL Cogen, a tool that generates TypeScript types and code to improve developer experience and type safety. The tool also generates ready-to-use React hooks based on Apollo Client and supports multiple languages and integration with various tools. They also discuss the introduction of Type Document Node, which generates a document node from GraphQL operations. They mention the new string manipulation features in TypeScript 4.1 and the ability to parse GraphQL type definitions with a lexer. They express the need for community help to overcome limitations in TypeScript with parsing complex and multiline strings.
GraphQL para Todos - Danielle Man
33 min
GraphQL para Todos - Danielle Man
GraphQL can be the standard way to model and query business data, and it has the potential to go beyond just helping developers. Optimizing GraphQL queries involves mapping them to performant database queries. Translating Druid queries to GraphQL provides flexibility but has challenges with data formatting and query execution. Directives and tools like GraphQL LowDash can transform arrays of objects and provide support for applying functions to queries. Making GraphQL more accessible and integrating it into tools like Tableau can unlock its full potential.
De Cero a Construir Aplicaciones GraphQL Multi-Región
8 min
De Cero a Construir Aplicaciones GraphQL Multi-Región
GraphQL is gaining rapid adoption, providing autonomy for UX developers to retrieve only the data they need. The use of GraphQL subscriptions allows for real-time updates without constant data polling. These features were evaluated in real-world use cases like e-commerce and order management systems.
Usando GraphQL en WordPress
26 min
Usando GraphQL en WordPress
WordPress, powering 30% of all websites, faces issues with overfetching and underfetching when using its REST API. WPGraphQL, a plugin for WordPress, solves this problem by using GraphQL, reducing API calls and improving scalability. By installing WPGraphQL and writing queries, developers can easily fetch data and transform it for rendering. WPGraphQL has been used by popular websites like and, and it recently hit 1.0. Gatsby Source WordPress is a faster version of Gatsby that works well with WPGraphQL, and Gatsby can handle building large sites. WPGraphQL does not currently support data subscriptions, but community contributions are welcome. The new Gatsby-sourced WordPress plugin offers benefits like real-time preview and incremental builds.
Autenticación del lado del servidor en GraphQL
40 min
Autenticación del lado del servidor en GraphQL
Roy Derks
Roy Derks
Un taller práctico sobre cómo manejar la autenticación y autorización en GraphQL. Durante este taller de 3 horas, aprenderás cómo agregar autenticación a un servidor GraphQL utilizando JWTs y manejar las respuestas de las consultas con roles de usuario. Como bono, agregaremos un servidor de autenticación con Auth0.Los contenidos:        - Autenticación con JWTs        - Manejo de respuestas de consultas y roles de usuario        - Auth0Prerrequisitos:        - JavaScript (preferiblemente TypeScript)        - GraphQL
GraphQL nativo, GraphQL como lenguaje de consulta de base de datos
8 min
GraphQL nativo, GraphQL como lenguaje de consulta de base de datos
The Talk introduces NativeGraphQL, which translates a GraphQL query into one FQL query, offering advantages over traditional GraphQL resolvers. The VANA approach to NativeGraphQL avoids the n plus one problem and provides several benefits. FQL is a good fit for NativeGraphQL as it solves the tree traversal problem and offers the same advantages as the rest of the native FQL language. Native GraphQL also provides multi-region scalability, ACID, and transactionality out-of-the-box.
Asegura tus puntos finales de GraphQL con Tyk en 5 minutos
8 min
Asegura tus puntos finales de GraphQL con Tyk en 5 minutos
This lightning talk explores how to secure GraphQL endpoints using Tyke, addressing problems such as authorization, schema security, and protection against denial of service attacks. Tyke provides comprehensive security features without the need for additional plugins. It supports various authentication modes, rate limiting, throttling, and query depth limiting. The demonstration shows how Tyke and GraphQL can easily secure APIs by adding authorization headers, restricting access to specific fields, and enforcing query depth limits.
Depende: Examinando los mitos y suposiciones de GraphQL
25 min
Depende: Examinando los mitos y suposiciones de GraphQL
Today's talk explores the nuances of GraphQL and how its effectiveness depends on the context. Caching is a polarizing subject in GraphQL, but there are tools available for caching. The trade-off for client-side flexibility in GraphQL affects performance predictability. GraphQL as a backend for frontend offers flexibility but limits true decoupling. It's important to consider the context and trade-offs when deciding whether to use GraphQL or REST. The speaker emphasizes the need for better conversations and understanding the nuances of GraphQL.
La Capa API en Disminución
30 min
La Capa API en Disminución
The Talk discusses the evolution of code and data coupling, the challenges of managing code and API complexity, and the rise of GraphQL as a solution. It explores the power of directives in GraphQL and their ability to preprocess and post-process requests and responses. The at lambda directive is highlighted as a way to implement fields in JavaScript. The Talk also touches on the benefits of working from home and the flexibility of placing directives in various parts of a GraphQL schema.
Construyendo una Puerta de Enlace de API en la Nube Altamente Escalable
31 min
Construyendo una Puerta de Enlace de API en la Nube Altamente Escalable
This Talk discusses building a highly scalable cloud API gateway with GraphQL using AWS AppSync. It covers the challenges of scalability, developer velocity, and cost in building APIs. The Talk provides a step-by-step guide on building a cloud API gateway using CDK and AppSync, including defining the schema, configuring data sources and permissions, creating resolvers, and deploying the API. It also highlights the flexibility and trade-offs of using AWS AppSync, testing GraphQL Lambdas, and the portability of the solution. The learning curve of AppSync has improved over time, and future updates are planned to further simplify the process.
Hablemos de GraphQL con tus servicios
28 min
Hablemos de GraphQL con tus servicios
This talk explores the use cases for GraphQL with existing services and legacy code, focusing on an e-commerce platform. It discusses the challenges of using REST and the benefits of using GraphQL. The talk covers different approaches to implementing GraphQL with existing services, such as using libraries like GraphQL Mesh or creating a custom data layer. It also discusses the importance of mapping data specifications to a GraphQL schema and creating resolvers. The talk concludes by highlighting the benefits of using GraphQL for client-facing applications.
Pruebas de seguridad para aplicaciones respaldadas por GraphQL
7 min
Pruebas de seguridad para aplicaciones respaldadas por GraphQL
I'm Ryan Severns, COO of StackHawk, an application security testing tool that focuses on GraphQL. StackHawk offers active automated testing of GraphQL endpoints to find potential security vulnerabilities. The tool integrates with developer tools like Slack and Jira for easy vulnerability management and bug fixing. It provides detailed information, including request, response, and curl command, for debugging. StackHawk offers free single user accounts and team trials, and visitors can find more information at their booth in GraphQL Galaxy.