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Mastering advanced concepts in TypeScript
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
132 min
Mastering advanced concepts in TypeScript
Jiri Lojda
Jiri Lojda
TypeScript is not just types and interfaces. Join this workshop to master more advanced features of TypeScript that will make your code bullet-proof. We will cover conditional types and infer notation, template strings and how to map over union types and object/array properties. Each topic will be demonstrated on a sample application that was written with basic types or no types at all and we will together improve the code so you get more familiar with each feature and can bring this new knowledge directly into your projects.
You will learn:- - What are conditional types and infer notation- What are template strings- How to map over union types and object/array properties.
Fetch, useEffect, React Query, SWR, what else?
React Advanced 2023React Advanced 2023
102 min
Fetch, useEffect, React Query, SWR, what else?
Ondrej Polesny
Ondrej Polesny
In this workshop, first, we’ll go over the different ways you can consume APIs in React. Then, we’ll test each one by fetching content from a headless CMS (with both REST and GraphQL) and checking in detail how they work.
While there is no advanced React knowledge required, this is going to be a hands-on session, so you’ll need to clone a preconfigured GitHub repository and utilize your preferred React programming editor, like VS Code.
You will learn:- What diverse data fetching options there are in React- What are advantages and disadvantages of each- What are the typical use cases and when each strategy is more beneficial than others
Crash Course Into Multilingual Websites With next.JS and Headless Content
React Advanced 2022React Advanced 2022
126 min
Crash Course Into Multilingual Websites With next.JS and Headless Content
Ondrej Polesny
Ondrej Polesny
On this crash course, we'll create a new project in the headless CMS, fill it with data, and use the content to build a multilingual Next.js app. We'll spend a lot of time in code to:- Generate strongly typed models and structure for the content- Set up the site for multiple languages- Use respective language codes in content fetching and incorporate language fallbacks- Resolve multilingual content from rich text fields
You will learn:- How to work with content from headless CMS (Kontent.ai)- How content model can be leveraged to generate TS types and what benefits it brings to your project- How to add multilingual capabilities to Next.js website- How to use language fallbacks- What are the typical gotchas when working with multilingual content