Fetch, useEffect, React Query, SWR, what else?

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In this workshop, first, we’ll go over the different ways you can consume APIs in React. Then, we’ll test each one by fetching content from a headless CMS (with both REST and GraphQL) and checking in detail how they work.

While there is no advanced React knowledge required, this is going to be a hands-on session, so you’ll need to clone a preconfigured GitHub repository and utilize your preferred React programming editor, like VS Code.

You will learn:

- What diverse data fetching options there are in React

- What are advantages and disadvantages of each

- What are the typical use cases and when each strategy is more beneficial than others

This workshop has been presented at React Advanced Conference 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Feel free to use the chat window to ask questions or request more time.

Please notify the presenter in the chat window if you cannot see the screen, as it is a key prerequisite for the workshop.

The workshop is aimed to be under two hours to maintain concentration.

The workshop will cover data fetching strategies in JavaScript, including FetchAPI, handling errors, intercepting requests, configuring retry policy, processing data on the application side, caching mechanisms, revalidation cases, and paging.

Clone the repository, install the necessary packages using npm i, and ensure you have Visual Studio Code ready. Refer to the readme file for additional instructions.

Yes, the workshop is recorded, and you will be able to access it later. The presenter will also share the presentation slides and code.

SWR (stale-while-revalidate) is a data fetching library by Vercel that provides features like built-in cache, request deduplication, automatic interval-based revalidation, and easy configuration of retry policy. It is useful for handling data fetching more efficiently than useEffect.

The 'mutate' function in SWR is used to invalidate the cached data and force it to revalidate, ensuring that the application has the most up-to-date data.

React Query offers more advanced features such as automatic retry of failed requests, query cancellation, and initial stale data handling. It is suitable for complex use cases like pagination and infinite scroll, although it may require more configuration compared to SWR.

Fetch API is a native JavaScript API that requires no additional packages and is supported by most modern browsers. It is a simpler and more straightforward option for basic data fetching needs.

Ondrej Polesny
Ondrej Polesny
102 min
12 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop covers data fetching strategies in JavaScript, focusing on Fetch API, Axios, SWR, and React Query. It provides examples and guidance on implementing these strategies in a React application. Troubleshooting and deployment issues, such as CORS, are also addressed. The workshop concludes by highlighting the advantages and use cases of SWR and React Query, and encourages participants to choose the best strategy based on their project's needs.

1. Introduction to Data Fetching Strategies

Short description:

Hello everyone! Let's get started with the basics and introductions. Feel free to ask questions in the chat window. Today's workshop is about data fetching strategies in JavaScript. We'll cover FetchAPI, advanced features, processing data, revalidation, and paging. It's an intro-level workshop with lots of examples. You'll receive all the slides and codes. If you need assistance or more time for exercises, let me know. Now, let's take a look at the application showcase, a table of flights on an airport.

So, hello, everyone. I think it's a good time to start now. It's one minute after the time, a few more minutes to join, but we can already start with the basics and introductions. We're here in a Zoom call. If there is anything, you know, you need to ask or if you need more time for anything, then feel free to use the chat window. I actually managed to have it up and running on my next screen, so I'll see hopefully all your messages.

So, feel to say hi. Tell me where you're coming from. I hope it is much nicer weather than it is here in Brno, Czech Republic for me. It is a bit dark already, but it is actually a great time to do a workshop and spend time online, you know? Overall, I hope you can all see my screen. It is currently showing power point presentation. If you can just let me know if you see that because that is probably the biggest prerequisite to this workshop. Yes. Hello to India. That's nice. Coming from France, perfect. Same other way. Christof, I'm filling for you. It is October. What can we do? If you're coming to London next week, it will about to start. And there's a lot of people there. That is great. So, yeah, there we go. And we have a Prague here as well. Nice. It is great to meet you, all of you guys. I hope you're going to have fun. You're going to learn something new today. And the biggest achievement I will do today is just to have fun. To learn something new and see what we can do in the allocated time. Now, I aim to make the workshop under two hours so that we don't lose concentration. It's for most of us, it's after work time right now. So let's get to it. And let's see what we can do.

So, first of all, I'm Andrey. I'm a developer evangelist for Content.AI. We're a headless CMS spender. But today's workshop is not going to be about headless CMS at all. So this is just one slide to let you know where I'm coming from. Overall, we're going to be talking about data fetching strategies. And the agenda for today will be the following. So, first of all, I want to show you or I want to talk to you about the actual data fetching options that we have in JavaScript. That will be about FetchAPI. Then we're going to talk about advanced features in data fetching. that means how do we handle errors, how can we intercept requests. How can you implement or configure the retry policy? And then we're going to talk about processing the data on the application side. So, right now we call it data fetching. But libraries that actually let us do all that, they also have caching mechanism and other features in place that make it easier for us. So, we're going to look at some advanced use cases as well. We're going to look at the revalidation cases, that means when you have data in cache, you need to revalidate it either automatically or manually, or you want to prevent it actually, that's also one of the use cases. And the last one will be paging, which is almost on every project that needs to work with some lists of data. That's about it. I think that's a pretty packed agenda for today. Now, just to to give you guys an idea, this is going to be at the intro level. If you're an expert on React, maybe this will be a bit boring for you, but there will be a lot of examples, a lot of show cases, so you can test it on your own. If you have Visual Studio prepared, that's a good start. Just so you know, I won't go into the large or great details of React query or of USEr's VR and so on, because we could be here all day. Yeah, so, just to give you an idea of how this is going to work, now, of course, this is recorded, so if you need to get back to any point of the webinar or workshop, you can do that later, and I'll also share the presentation. Yeah, so, you'll get all the slides. You'll get all the codes. No worries at all. And if there is anything that I can do for you, if you need me to answer anything or if you need more time to do the exercises, then let me know in the chat window. I did the examples so that you can follow along. So, I'll give you the codes and I will give you time to work on the examples. It's very easy, nothing to be worried about. It's pretty much just so that you get your hands on the actual code, so that you don't just look at what I'm doing but you also try it out on your own. So that's about the agenda and first of all, what I wanted to show you is the application showcase, the application that we'll be working with because obviously for everything we do in the workshop we need to have some kind of a front-end. So, this is what I actually created. It's just a nice picture of a Swiss aircraft landing in Zurich but it's just to make the website look nice. This is a little bit off but that's because I think there is a HTML tag mix up somewhere but this is just a table of flights that could be on an airport.

2. Introduction to Data Fetching

Short description:

It's about the data and the network request that we'll be making. We'll focus on the frontend part. The backend part is there just to support us. The data are coming from a Headless CMS. The functions are already deployed on Netlify. You can run it locally if you want. The first part is about the functions and index TSX.

It contains flight numbers origins destinations and so on. It doesn't really matter what the table shows. It's about the data and the network request that we'll be making.

Just so you know, all the data they are stored in a headless CMS. Content, as I said, I work for them but we're not going to work with the CMS at all. I prepared Netlify functions that will actually give us the data from API handlers so just so you know it's going to be giving us data about flights and this table is something we want to accomplish to have it listed here. There will be more things like next and previous page and so on. We'll get to that but just so you know this is the front end and we'll see how we can get it to work. So that's the most important thing now.

Another thing and that will be the first task for you guys. There is GitHub repository with the URL that is right now on the screen. I'm going to send you the link to it to the chat window so you don't have to write it down from the powerpoint presentation. So if you want to go there, there are two branches. One is workshop start, one is workshop results. So obviously you want to start with the workshop start. The readme is just a sample from creating the React app so not really relevant for this workshop. But what I want you to do is just clone the whole repository somewhere where you can run code. Somewhere we can open with Visual Studio Code. It contains all the files that we will need. So I'll give you a few minutes to actually do that. The start is not going to work. It's also not going to compile. So don't be surprised because it has some code missing. But we'll work on that. So I'll give you a few minutes to do that. The link is there so we should be good to go in a few moments. Let's go through the repo so you're up to speed with everything.

So there are two parts of what we'll be doing today. We'll focus a lot on the frontend part. So the backend part is there just to support us. And to understand how it works is there is a folder called functions which has four functions implemented. What they do, oh, by the way, while you're at it you might as well run npm i to install all the packages. I already have them here so I don't have to do it, but you might want to install the node modules while we talk about the repository. So, as I mentioned the data are coming from a Headless CMS. Now the Headless CMS has a project somewhere, it has environment id somewhere. It gives us data about the flights. Now, we don't have to run this. If you have Netlify CLI running locally, I can give you an environment id which you're going to have to pass into your environment file if you want to run the functions locally. That's also possible, but you don't have to do it. The functions are already deployed on Netlify. Let me give you the address of that. And that's actually here. So this is the URL of all the functions. They are already deployed there. So we should be able to get similar results as I'm getting. This is actually getting all the flies. This would be another function that will sometimes give me results, sometimes give me 500. So seems to be working well, so again you can run it locally if you want. I can give you the environment ID. If you don't want to run locally then this will be the address that you will use in the fetch calls. So that's the first part, those are the functions. They are configured to be accessible via slash API slash name of the function. You see there are a couple of them. They all do the same thing but the first one actually gives you all the flights. The slow one will actually give you all the flights after five seconds. So this is just a simulator we can retry or simulate timeouts. There is one that's called unreliable which will give you the results only once in five tries. So based on a random number. And there is one that apart from the will give you the total number of flights that are available. So we can do paging later. So these are all the functions. It's all pretty the same. And again, you don't have to run it locally. I'll give you the URL so you can run it. We can all work with it from the remote endpoint. And so this is the first part. These are the functions. Then, of course, there is index TSX. It's a simple React sample, so it has only the app inside.

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