#react useeffect

How to NOT use useEffect?
React Advanced 2023React Advanced 2023
24 min
How to NOT use useEffect?
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Watch video: How to NOT use useEffect?
Welcome to how not to use UseEffect. UseEffect is a hook introduced in React 16.8 as a replacement for component dismount and update in class components. It runs your callback once when the component mounts and when there are changes in dependencies. UseEffect allows performing side effects such as fetching data. UseEffect executes its callback asynchronously to allow the browser to render and show something to the user without blocking the main thread. Setting a state in a useEffect without a dependency array can cause nasty loops. Sometimes you are using use effects to take care of calling parent events. Nasty Fetch. Sometimes, when fetching articles, loading and race conditions need to be considered.
Fetch, useEffect, React Query, SWR, what else?
React Advanced 2023React Advanced 2023
102 min
Fetch, useEffect, React Query, SWR, what else?
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Ondrej Polesny
Ondrej Polesny
In this workshop, first, we’ll go over the different ways you can consume APIs in React. Then, we’ll test each one by fetching content from a headless CMS (with both REST and GraphQL) and checking in detail how they work.
While there is no advanced React knowledge required, this is going to be a hands-on session, so you’ll need to clone a preconfigured GitHub repository and utilize your preferred React programming editor, like VS Code.
You will learn:- What diverse data fetching options there are in React- What are advantages and disadvantages of each- What are the typical use cases and when each strategy is more beneficial than others